Sunday 25 February 2018

5 in 5 - February 2018 - Melanie

Melanie is my friend who lives in Australia and she loves photography.  Every month since the start of this challenge Melanie has taken part in this monthly meme and as she doesn't have her own blog I post here. I love that we have found a way for her to take part, so over to you Melanie:
"Hope you like my February 5 in 5.  I am a bit late sending it off to Sandie thank goodness for the saying better late than never.  I was annoyed with myself when I let December slip by without sorting out a 5 in 5 for that month and am determined not to let a month slip by again.

As the beginning of February arrives so does the annual sculpture exhibition.  Sculptures are
displayed around the Brighton Jetty beach area, on the Bindarra Reserve opposite the Jetty and
inside the Brighton Surf Life Saving Club.  There are indoor and outdoor exhibits. This year there were
more than 170 exhibits so it was not an easy task to choose just five for my February 5 in 5
However it was an easy task to take five photos in 5 minutes.  Of course when I took my photos I
completely forgot to make a note of the number and name of each exhibit.  Only one of the photos
included in my 5 in 5 and that is ‘Big Flower’ which is in the centre of my collage.  The materials for
this were Corten steel and hardwood plinth.  The artist was Anna Small.  Maybe next year I will make
better notes.  When the winners were announced the Outdoor winner was Foci by Karl Meyer and
this just happens to be the sculpture in the background of my RHS bottom photo.  He material for
this was Stainless Steel, 2 pack paint.  There is not just one winner but a winner for each of the
several categories. Each year our local council, Holdfast Bay buys one of the sculptures which then
has a permanent place along the coastline in our council area".

I always think how wonderful to have this annual exhibition on your doorstep, as Melanie does, and I look forward to seeing the new sculptures every year.  The waterfront makes a perfect setting, and on this chilly day I can just imagine the warm sun - thank you for sharing Melanie and I am pleased to know that we can look forward to more photos from Australia over the coming months.

If this has inspired you to pick up your camera and join in please go to this months post for details about how to link in. 
And to find out more about this monthly photo challenge, you can find out how it started here.

Thank you for popping by and I hope to see you back here soon. 

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