Tuesday 5 December 2017

5 in 5 - December 2017 - Making books using Eileen Hull Journal die

Welcome to '5 in 5' where on the 5th of
each month I post 5 photos that I have
taken in 5 minutes.

I make lots of books and journals so I was intruiged when a number of friends bought the Eileen Hull journal die. It seemed a good opportunity to try it out and so while I was on a retreat I had fun making a few:

 On this one, I added a pocket on the front cover

And I made some half pages to add interest

The detail on the spine. The cover is not finished yet as I may add a fastening or more on the front, I sometimes like to live with my work for a while until I know where to go next with it. But I am happy for now.

I wanted to make a smaller version, inspired by the die. I cut the cover by hand and used the Crop-o-dile to make the holes.

I enjoyed the opportunity to use the die and experiment with soft and hard covers.  It is not unlike Modori-style journals I have made in the past, and it is always good to try new things.

Thank you for popping by!  I have made lots of new books lately so I must get round to sharing more. But for now, thank you to everyone who has taken part in 5 in 5, and I wish you, and my visitors, a very happy Christmas.  I would have liked to be more seasonal with this post but by the time you see this I will be in India, on a creative course, learning how to dye and print fabrics. I might take a few photos while I am there! So I wsh you and your family a very Happy Christmas and look forward to sharing more 5 in 5 photos in the coming year.

It is always fun to have company in this photo challenge so a big
thank you to Mary-Lou, Maggie, Melanie, Karen, Nan, Green Tomato and Borqna for taking part last month. And to all those who visited and left comments.

And YOU would be very welcome to join in too, so I hope you are inspired to get out your camera. Here is the plan:

1.  Choose a location.

2.  Have your camera ready.

3.  Set a timer for 5 minutes (I use my mobile phone).

4.  Take as many photos you can until the time is up.

5.  Choose 5 photos to download and share by using the link tool below.
You have until the 25th of the month to add your photos.


  1. Wow, these journals turned out really nice! Looks like a good bit of creative FUN! Enjoy your trip & Merry Christmas to you!

  2. Hello,Sandie,
    It must be so much fun to make books and to try new things! They are so beautiful and each one has a lot of personality! Thank you for host and letting me join you again.Have a good day.

  3. So very pretty, what a wonderful skill to learn/develop. I really like the one of my viewing left - it's roses, it's pink (col).

  4. These are fabulous! Years ago I took a bookmaking course at the museum. I still have a few of them. (I have a hard time giving them away or writing in them; really should get over that!) I thought I would keep it up but I didn't. I especially love your addition of the half pages, and the gorgeous detail you've added to the spine of one of them. Your trip sounds very exciting, and I'll be looking forward to seeing and hearing all about it.

  5. They look fantastic. How clever you are! I have just realised I haven't added my link although I took part on the 5th.
