Tuesday 31 October 2017

How to upcycle a Christmas gift bag

This weekend saw me on one of my regular craft retreats and as I am going to India at the beginning of December I want all my Christmas cards made and sent in plenty of time. I packed card blanks and sorted through my boxes of Christmas materials, but the thing I most wanted to use was a large Christmas gift bag that I have saved for several years.  I knew it was too useful to pass on or discard, and  I love a challenge, so I lost no time in cutting the bag to see what it offered.

I especially liked the baubles and spent ages fussy cutting these.  There was a lovely pile when I finished.... 

 and these made lovely cards.

I was still left with lots of the bag so I cut out reindeers from the snowman, and trees from the green background.  

There was only small scraps left of the bag when I had finished and I was really pleased with my upcycling achievement. I love using materials that other people might throw away and it makes me wonder why I have spent so much of merchandise in the past. I no longer go on big spending sprees and have learnt that having too much just creates indecision and overwhelm. So I am now trying to use what I have and to create space.

I made about 75 cards this weekend, using different materials and techniques.  But the baubles cut from the bag are my favourites and most of my other papers and embellishments stayed in their packs. It just proves that it's not what you've got, it's what you do with it. What have you got lurking or hanging around that you could use? 


  1. These are awesome, Sandie! You've inspired me to pull out the bits and pieces I've been saving for years and see what I can do with them!

    1. Thank you Karen. I really enjoyed using the bag and would love to see what you find and upcycle!

  2. Great idea Sandie. Genius & very steady hands to fussy cut so neatly. I often recycle Christmas cards to use in my scrapping. I once saw someone use Decoupage (that liquid glue & finisher in one) over a new gift bag to a board to make a Christmas picture.
