Monday 5 June 2017

5 in 5 - June 2017 - Churchyards and Water Meadows

Welcome to '5 in 5' where on the 5th of
each month I post 5 photos that I have
taken in 5 minutes.

I often take '5 in 5' photos during the month but you never know what unexpected surprise will turn up. This weekend we were in Cambridgeshire and we went for a walk across Portholme Meadow. This is the largest water meadow in England and it has an interesting history; once used for flying monoplanes, and later by the Flying Corps during World War One. Nowadays it has a more sedate pastime and it is a haven for wildlife and nature. Here's some of the photos I took:

Sadly it's not often we see wild flower meadows like this, any more.

Imagine my joy at seeing this skylark on the ground. We had enjoyed watching it fly overhead and then it landed in front of us!  

Our walk led into Huntingdon, a town that is steeped in history and birth place to Oliver Cromwell. We followed a trail and I took the opportunity to take more 5 in 5 photos. So for this month I am going to include a second set, taken in St John's Churchyard. The church itself was damaged in the 17th century Civil War and demolished about 1660.


It was a great weekend of contrast. As well as walking miles, I also spent six hours canoeing along the River Ouse. I am a novice and haven't been in a canoe for a couple of years, so if I had known our trip was 13 miles long I might have been concerned. In fairness, we were given the option of having the canoe and ourselves transported back at the half way point, but my canoe partner and I were game for the whole trip and we loved every minute of it. As I lost my mobile to water during my sailing trip last year I wasn't going to risk damage again, so no photos to share. It felt strange seeing wonderful sights that I could not capture, but since my son always tells me off for seeing life through a camera lens it was a different experience. I shall hold memory of all the sights and wildlife we saw in my mind instead!

If you fancy picking up your camera to join in with 5in5 it would be lovely to have your company!   

Here's what you do and there are more details here

1.  Choose a location.

2.  Have your camera ready.

3.  Set a timer for 5 minutes (I use my mobile phone).

4.  Take as many photos you can (or wish to) until the time is up.

5.  Choose 5 photos to download and share by using the link tool below.

                              You have until the 25th of the month to add your photos.

Please add your link below if you would like to take part. I am often excited and inspired by the ideas and photos of others so thank you to Melanie, Eileen, Paula, Mary-Lou, Melissa, Karen, Maggie, and Borqna for joining in last month. I'll be in July with another 5 in 5. Enjoy the weeks in between and happy photo taking!


  1. Great pics, Sandie, and I always love 2 for the price of 1 x x

  2. I can see your son's point but I sometimes the use of a camera makes you more observant. Best however to leave it behind when in a canoe!
    I think your black and white is very effective for the the graveyard pics. How lucky you were with that skylark! A great meadow of wild flowers too.

    1. I agree Maggie, looking at things through a camera lens makes me more observant too, and I also have memories triggered when I visualise a photo. It's rare I go anywhere without my camera, but I've learnt my lesson where water is concerned!

  3. A lovely walk out in the meadow - your skylark is very similar to our meadowlark which has a lovely song. Yes leaving a camera out of a canoe is a good choice.

  4. What a wonderful meadow - and to see the Meadowlark - a special joy. We don't have them in Western Washington - but when we visit eastern Washington state they are everywhere - as we drive along with the windows down we are never out of range of their songs as they are plentiful and singing along the roadsides.

    I love the black and white photos - the details are stunning.

  5. Two wonderful sets of photos, and so different. I love the way you processed the photos from the cemetery. They are so evocative of the era.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Lovely photos, great challenge -
    thank you for inspirations!
