Wednesday 5 April 2017

5 in 5 - April 2017 - Why we are still smiling

Welcome to '5 in 5' where on the 5th of
each month I post 5 photos that I have
taken in 5 minutes.

I am training to become Master NLP practitioner and over the past six months this has meant a number of stays in London. As I live  near the coast I like the occasional contrast of city life but to find escape and calmness I seek water. So I am glad that my hotel is near the River Thames and most days I take the opportunity to go for walks with my camera.

On a recent visit I walked along the embankment towards Westminster Bridge. I admired the reflections of Big Ben in the water and usually on my early morning walks I jostle with commuters and joggers as I go against the throng. But on this Sunday morning life took on a slower pace, and like me, there were others enjoying the quiet and taking photos of this spectacular building. 

Then a week later the terrorist attack took place.

I can't define in words what I felt or thought when I heard the news. I bought back the memory of this quiet early morning walk and counted my blessings, while my heart went out to all those who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

A week later I was back in London. I wanted to revisit to pay my respects, and what I saw was heart warming. In a defiance and
unbroken spirit, people filled the streets. Tributes decorated every lamp post along Westminster Bridge, and opposite the Houses of Parliament people had left a swathe of flowers and messages. So this month, I am adding a few extra photos, taken after my 5 in 5.

The words below speak for many, because from this atrocity comes a sense of unity. Out of nowhere people came together to save lives or help those in need. There were many gestures of goodwill, such as a restaurant owner who gave free meals to hundreds of rescuers. And so while this event (and others like it) shock us to the core, it does not deter. No. People are going about life as usual and we are still smiling. 

If you fancy picking up your camera to join in with 5in5 it could be lovely to have your company!   

Here's what you do and there are more details here

1.  Choose a location.

2.  Have your camera ready.

3.  Set a timer for 5 minutes (I use my mobile phone).

4.  Take as many photos you can (or wish to) until the time is up.

5.  Choose 5 photos to download and share by using the link tool below.

                              You have until the 25th of the month to add your photos.

Please add your link below if you would like to take part. I am often excited and inspired by the ideas and photos of others so thank you to Melanie, Paula, Mary-Lou, Melissa, Karen, Maggie, and Borqna for joining in last month. Have a good Easter and I'll be back next month with another 5 in 5, enjoy the weeks in between and happy photo taking!


  1. What a thoughtful and beautiful post! Your photos are, as always, wonderful, and it's good to remember amidst all the horror, that we are survivors and carry on despite our grief. (And, how is it that every month the 5th comes and goes without my being aware of it?)

  2. A very touching post. It is an area so familiar to us all. It has made me reflect on our last visit there. You are right despite it feeling like someone defacing our own front door and hurting our own family, we will not be deterred.
    My daughter was in Nice a week after their atrocity and she was deeply moved by all the floral tributes there.
    Lovely photos too. I am yet to do mine but hope to post tomorrow.

  3. Your photos have a wonderful sense of calm about them, which manages to bring home the contrast with the violence and at the same time emphasise that quiet firm resolve to keep going

  4. Your first photos of Big Ben, the Parliament buildings & bridge are really of the postcard quality, wonderful to have. Your photos from the week after certainly touch the heart, I think you captured that positive feeling in that one particular note.

  5. Your photos of Big Ben & the buildings are fabulous & I'm so glad you included the extras. These types of tragedies are felt around the world, no matter which nation is targeted - it is felt by all of us! Yes, we keep going strong!

  6. Stunning photos, Sandie, and so poignant to see all the flowers, and to sense the quiet resolve of those who helped, or came to pay tribute.
