Saturday 7 January 2017

5 in 5 - Melanie - January 2017

Melanie is my friend who lives in Australia and she loves photography.  Every month since the start of this challenge Melanie has taken part in this monthly meme and as she doesn't have her own blog I post here. I love that we have found a way for her to take part, so over to you Melanie:

Happy New year to all and sundry near and far.  I hope 2017 will be a good year for you.  I am beginning the year with some shots of my sunflower crop.  I am very pleased with the results of planting sunflowers this year as I have many flowers and they give a great splash of colour to our back yard.  Admittedly the earwigs and caterpillars are enjoying them as well but the holes in leaves and petals just add to their appearance.  This week we are experiencing temperatures in the mid-thirties so have the sprinklers on our veg plot working first thing in the morning.  These sprinklers just spray the heads of one group of sunflowers and in the photo on the bottom left hand side you can spot the water droplets.  If you are living on the side of the world where it is now winter I hope you enjoy my touch of summer. 

Thank you for sharing these photos, Melanie, and as always, for taking part!  

On this cold frosty day it was a treat to see these photos of sunflowers. I love their big smiley faces and yellow is such as uplifting colour. I am looking forward to Spring and to seeing my own garden in colour but it is important to appreciate what the day brings. And so I took photos of frost crystals this morning and I hope whatever season you are enjoying, that you find something to appreciate and want to pick up your camera.  

 Hopefully Melanie will be back next month and I look forward to you joining us. Thank you for popping by, it is great to have your company.

If this has inspired you to pick up your camera and join in please go to the original post where you will also find out how to link in.

And to find out more about this monthly photo challenge, and how this started, please go to this post.

1 comment:

  1. That is indeed a very welcome brightness to our grey winter's day, Melanie! It's always good to remember that somewhere on the planet, there is light and sun ... These have grown beautifully. Wishing you a very happy new year too.
