Tuesday 13 October 2015

TREE FOLLOWING - October 2015

I went for a walk today to take photos of the two trees that I am following.  On the way I saw beautiful coloured leaves and signs of autumn approaching. I wondered what change my trees would show...

And I had a surprise! 

The leaves on this tree are still bright green!

The nuts are beginning to ripen....

 and the ivy has crept higher...

At the bottom I spotted a little hole.  I wonder who lives here?

And looking up I admired the textures and colours of this bark. It has such contrast and looked beautiful on this sun dappled day.... 

Down the road is THE OAK.
This tree also has green leaves....
but there are other changes....
Remember the broken branch that has hung suspended all year?

Well, it has finally falled off!
And so have the acorns, leaving none on the tree and the ground underneath littered.
And I couldn't go without a photo of this spider web. 


I wonder what change I will see next month?  
I am always sad to see the end of summer but this is softened by my love of autumnal colours - sometimes they just take my breath away. And I know in some parts of the country and world they are even more spectacular, so I hope you are enjoying beautiful colours where ever you are, and whatever your season. 
I am linking in with Lucy over at Loose and Leafy.  Sadly Lucy has had problems with her computer and has decided to hand over Tree Following. But the good news is that it will continue! So thank you Lucy for coming up with this idea and for inviting others to join you with monthly posts and I will be back next month with more photos.  Thanks for popping by and if you want to find out more about tree following there are details here


  1. The texture of the bark is just amazing. I think that photo would make a fantastic background in one of your mixed media pieces.

    1. You are right Eileen! I'll have to remember that idea.

  2. That patchy bark photo is just like a camouflage design - someone in army gear would vanish against that! Looks like you're having a lovely Autumn!

    1. It is like camouflage Julie - nature invented it first!

  3. Yes! We still have a surprising amount of green round here too. Oh, acorns..it's impossible to walk past a pile without picking one up isn't it? I just found one of last year's conkers under our tv stand..

    1. Good to hear you also have lots of green still, we can enjoy it for as long as we can.
      I had to smile about the acorns. I put my hand in my coat pocket yesterday and guess what I found? I didn't realise I had even picked them up! lol
