Thursday 29 October 2015


This week I was given some vintage knitting patterns. 
Just imagine my joy!!
And it got even bigger as I looked through the pile.

Because they triggered memories. 

Such as my dad telling me about the time his Mum (my Nan) knitted him some swimming trunks. The weight of the water made them stretch so he had to be careful to hold them up when he got out of the sea.

And the funny thing is, I wrote this post yesterday. Before taking my mum to see my aunt..... 

and they started to reminisce, as they often do, and to talk about things that they used to enjoy. Like knitting, before onset of failing eyesight and painful joints. Which bought them round to my nan... and the infamous swimming trunks. And they seemed surprised when I started to laugh and tell them about my vintage patterns and how these had triggered my own memories about the swimming trunks. And a blog post, written just hours before. 

'Spooky' my aunt called it. Me? I like to think it was time for this story to be told, and when the time is right everything connects and falls into place. Call it synchronicity, if you like.

My aunt reminded me there was a photo of my dad wearing these trunks, so when I got home I looked it out. I'd never noticed before that my dad had got over the problem by wearing a belt. 
And apparently the trunks were maroon!

I had a similar problem when  my nan knitted my first bikini. Maybe it was crocheted, either way, my lack of boobs meant that I had nothing to hold it up.  And I remember standing up in the sea and the sudden realisation that my top part was not where it was meant to be!  Seeing my nan in the photo above makes me think that she is still laughing at these happy memories and mishaps too. 

There will be more to share about these vintage knitting patterns so I'll be back soon with more.  

Meantime, thank you to everyone who is cheering me on in this 30 Day Blogging Challenge, reading my posts, and leaving such heart warming and positive comments. I truly appreciate this. 


  1. Synchronicity indeed - and that's a great photo. At least, they could all still enjoy themselves despite the weight of wet woollens! The belt was a great idea. I remember knitted bathing costumes too ... and not with affection. Why on earth people didn't make them from cotton is a mystery to me!

  2. My mother in law tells a similar tale of a half knitted swimsuit that came out of the water considerably baggier than when she went in! Seeing this post gives me the urge to knit something myself - maybe no swimwear though!

  3. My parents have told me similar tales about knitted costumes. Lycra has saved us a lot of embarrassment these last few years. I can remember those balaclava patterns from my Nan's sewing and knitting box! In fact I am sure I have a photo of my brother somewhere in a very similar one x

  4. What a great story Sandie! LOL at the knitted swimsuit! Yes synchronicity! Love the photo, I have photos like that of my Mum and her brothers. Love the vintage knitting patterns. I have a few in my Etsy shop, although it's mostly sewing patterns that I sell.

  5. Of course you know I'd love a post about vintage knitting patterns! Yes,there is a story in our family about a knitted swimming costume too. And when we tell that one, we often tell the one about the shorts and top beach set out of towelling bathroom curtains too..

    I look forward to more about the knitting patterns

  6. What a laugh Sandie! My mum made me a bikini when I was little but it was made of fabric so none of the worries that a knitted one creates!

  7. mum had stories about knitted swimming cossies as well!
