Saturday 31 October 2015


We never celebrated Halloween when I was a child. I don't remember it focusing much in my own children's childhood either.

But for my grand daughters it is different, and every year it comes round with great excitement. And I get to enjoy it too, because I get to go trick and treating. And last year stands out in memory, see here.   

Halloween also gives me a good excuse to make things.  Like this:

And if you would like to know how, there are instructions here.

Other things I have made are tag books for each of my girls. These have been in the making for a long while. So long, that Halloweens have come and gone! But this year I am going to print some more photos and make up small bags of embellishments because the idea is for the girls to add their own finishing touches. I know they will love that. Here's a few of the pages:


What do you think?

Have a Happy Halloween what every you are doing, and thanks for popping by.


  1. I can't believe how 'big' Halloween has become in recent years. I hope your grand-daughters (and you) have had a fun evening

  2. What a super tag book! Beautifully done ... We visited the States around Hallowe'en some years ago and couldn't believe what an enormous event it was. Looks as if it has all slipped east to us. Glad a good time was had by all, though.

  3. I think they're brilliant! Halloween is such a big thing now, I'm sure they will love the chance to get it all recorded. We did used to celebrate when I was little..when I think about it now I'd love even one photo
