Tuesday 22 September 2015


If you read my posts you will know that I recently visited Birmingham and stayed with my blog friend Bernice. We travelled into the city for three days to attend a Book Art course and while we were there we discovered The Hoot owl sculpture trail. You can read more about these here:

Book Art Course
Owl Hunt

I love city breaks and discovering new and interesting places. Birmingham is no exception and I was amazed at how up and coming it is. There are huge structures that reach into the sky, with surfaces that reflect and distort, the old and industrial, and the canal. But rather than tell, let me show you, because in order to do the trail
we had to explore the city. And before I start, you might also be interested in these posts if you missed them:

The Cube
The Pen Museum

I loved this last building.  Bernice had reservations.  But what ever your opinion, I think you have to agree that Birmingham is an interesting place to visit with lots to see and do. 


  1. I've never been to Birmingham..I'm blown away by the photo opportunities you found. The last building? I like it

  2. Wow Sandie what absolutely fabulous looking buildings! I think the last one is my favourite with the library coming a close second! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip again!

  3. It's definitely smartened up since my last visit. A great mix of old and new, and the canalside looks inviting with all the hanging baskets.

  4. Brilliant and interesting post Sandie - really loved looking at all your photos.
    I've never been to Birmingham although have an ancestor born their in early 1800s so it's always interesting to see photos of areas where they came from.
    I love owls and was gobsmacked by your owl hunt photos - soooo many different ones - fantastic! Gill x

  5. Oh my, you have really showcased Birmingham's architecture here! What gloriously sharp and wonderfully textured photos ...
