Saturday 5 September 2015

5 in 5 - September 2015 - LOST AND FOUND

Welcome to '5 in 5' where on the 5th of
each month I post 5 photos that I have
taken in 5 minutes. 

This time last week I was on a 4 day workshop having an amazing time and in my next post I will tell you more about it.  But for now, I want to show you some of the wonderful collections that Alice Fox set out for us to use.  The excitement returns even thinking about them! As the title of the workshop suggests these are all items you can find  around your home or outdoors:
I can never resist collecting these whenever I go to the coast! 

I collect these too!  I have ideas of using them to print with and make into quills for dipping into ink.  Alice showed us other ideas too....

Fishing line. 
Twine and string also make very useful found objects. 


How many of us have drawers with odd things lurking in the back?
Now I know what to do with them! 

And rusty objects.
Until my husband cleared the shed we would have found some of these. Now, I am deliberately rusting metal and looking out for rusty objects so that I can save it for future projects!

The workshop opened my eyes to lots of new opportunities and ways of using material.  And what's more I made a number of books too!  NOW you know why I loved it so much!   
Thank you for popping by, your company and comments are always appreciated and special thanks to Maggie, Joy, Eileen, Helena, Melanie and Barbara, who took part last month.
If you would like to join in this monthly photo challenge please link in below so I can come and see your photos. Here's the plan:
  1.  Choose a location.

2.  Have your camera ready.

3.  Set a timer for 5 minutes (I use my mobile phone).

4.  Take as many photos you can until the time is up.

5.  Choose 5 photos to download and share by using the link tool below. 

   Please note: 

You can take  your photos any time, they do not have to be taken on 5th!
And you have until the 25th of the month to add your photos to the link.
There are more details here.


  1. looks like a thoroughy inspiring course with all that wonderful found plunder

  2. Am waiting eagerly to see what you made on the course.

  3. What beautiful photos, Sandie - the textures and colours make me want to reach out and touch. Very much looking forward to your post on the workshop - you sound as if you were fizzing with excited energy!

  4. lol! We've been clearing out our shed this weekend. If you run out of material, you know where to come..

    Seriously, though, as Alexa says, it's a glorious selection

  5. You look like you had a good course. I can find a few drawers like that one but last picture
