Sunday 9 August 2015


When my blog friend Bernice told me she was booked on a Book Art
course I said 'lucky you'.  Then she wrote back and said 'Why don't you come too, and stay here?'

So I did!!

I travelled up the day before the course started and this gave us time to chat and chill and to think about what we might want to make. The course offered opportunity to learn printing techniques, book structures, and to combine these to make an Art Book. This was something that really excited me and I planned to go with the flow and see what ideas presented. Our tutor, Paul Hipkiss, is a very talented artist and printer and I was very inspired by his work and the examples that he showed us. And as I have been hankering to do some lino cuts I went home the first day with ideas bouncing! I sat throughout the evening and early hours sketching designs and making notes. I was going to make a book based on my trip to Barcelona.

But then next day I started to cut into the lino and I began to see a problem. Paul uses traditional lino tile and it was difficult to cut into! I did not want to spend all my time carving and missing other opportunities to learn, so I needed to rethink fast! My appreciation of the time and skill involved in making intricate lino prints escalated!  

So, I have bought my sketch book home and I will cut the designs into my soft linocut blocks. Paul showed us how to make prints with more than one colour so it will be fun to experiment when I have more time. Meantime, I used the printing press to dry emboss one of Bernice's stencils.  My original idea was changing shape!  These will be an integral part of the books design and I hope it all comes together. I also made several sample books so that I could remember the construction and make these at home - I was so inspired I needed 3 weeks not 3 days!! 

So, determined to come home with at least one finished project I spent my time playing, bouncing from one idea to another. I was inspired by other students work, resource material provided by Paul
and by ideas thrown around between Bernice and myself. 

I did Dry-Point printing, which is something I have never heard of before. But first I had to make my plate by etching into a piece or styrene (type of Perspex). I used a simple design as my sample piece and a printing press to make the print. I hope my Big Shot will be capable of doing this at home. More experimenting planned! 

Here is a video that shows dry point. It is a print method I plan to experiment more with as it gives a fine detailed effect similar to an etching without the use of chemicals and specialist equipment. 

And finally here is some of my work made over the three days. A neat little stitched book, a pop up book which is a practice for a larger project I have in mind, a book sculpture, two accordion style books, and at the back, my dry-point prints.  What fun I had! 

Thank you Bernice, I'm so glad you asked me! 
And I'll be back soon to tell you about other things I did during my stay. 


  1. Sounds like just your kind of course! Some great projects here and you've obviously come back brimming with ideas!

  2. It sounds like an excellent course and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I look forward to seeing your next makes!

  3. Looking forward to seeing all the projects. Glad you found it worthwhile.

  4. This is a really interesting read Sandie. It's easy to see how inspired you were..a pretty perfect trip, then!

  5. What fun - I look forward to hearing more about it!!

  6. Looks like a really great workshop xx

  7. Lovely books Sandie, You can definitely use your Bigshot to print with!
