Wednesday 1 July 2015


In January I introduced two trees that grow locally and spoke about how I am following them during the year. If you read my previous posts you will know that I am behind schedule and making attempt to catch up. So before I post this months photos I am going to quickly add JUNE!! I can then have the satisfaction of being back up to date.


The ivy continues to reach up. I thought the bark patterns would mark it's growth but I'm finding it harder than I expected. I am wishing I had measured it. 

The violets continue to rest after their months of flowering.

The branches overhead fight for space among the trees that grow either side.

And I notice small prickly seeds growing, they hang like dangly earrings.

THE OAK.....

I thought these leaves would have dropped now....  but no they still hold on.

This visit there was a new surprise... a cob web glistening in the sunshine.  This spider won't go hungry!

 The field crop is growing well....   

 And despite the ripped branches, there is new growth.

And overhead quite a canopy is forming....

Summer looks like it might be on its way......

This project developed from an idea started by Loose and Leafy.  Do pop over if you want to find out more, or join in. 

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