Friday 15 May 2015

Blog Hop - FOCUS

Welcome to the Blog Hop!  With focus as a theme it could only mean one thing to me - my camera!  It goes everywhere with me and on my recent trip to the Shetland Islands I took over 4,000 photos, but don't worry I'm not planning to show these today! 

Instead, I chose just one and I decided to use it as an art journal page.  Out of necessity this was a quick page but I did manage to try a new technique.  I went to the Shetlands to attend a book making course and one of the ladies had printed photos onto tracing paper.  I loved the effect this gave to her page so I tried it out here using the image of a camera.  The opaque paper allows the background text to show through, I love being able to see different layers and this is a technique I will use often hereon.   I have lots of journals: for experimenting and playing in, art, for writing morning pages, and others which have a theme.  This one is all about 'journey' and I have written more about my journaling here.  

But I digress!  While visiting the Shetlands I flew out to the Fair Isles and stayed in the Bird Observatory.  This was a wonderful adventure and I will write about it more another time. I'm already planning a return visit!   It was here that we hoped to see puffins; however we
was told that they were just starting to arrive and it seems they come and go until they start to nest.  So imagine my joy when my first cliff top walk revealed lots of these little birds!
They are deceptively small and are quite brave birds, allowing us to get quite close.  They were beginning to seek out burrows and it is quite clear to see where they nest as the ground is like craters!  Puffins are not camera shy either so I was able to take lots of photos, in fact some seemed to even pose!

I like to have fun with my camera and as a way of creating focus I have a monthly neme called '5 in 5'.  The idea is to set a timer for 5 minutes (I use my mobile phone) and to take as many photos as you can in that time.  Then choose your favourite five and post them, linking back to my page so that others can come and see.  And just to keep things easy I post on the 5th of each month but you are welcome to post yours up to the 25th, so there is still time this month if you would like to join in!  Please pop over to see more here if you have time.  

As well as photography, one of my greatest passions is making books and as I have so many photos to choose from I have decided to use PhotoBox on this occasion.  It's my first time of sharing my photos this way but it won't stop me making other books about my trip!  I love constructing and choosing papers for each page and if you would like to find out more about the books I make and workshops that I run I have a Facebook Page.  

I am offering a giveaway.   To be in for a chance, just leave a comment on my Facebook page and I will chose a name from random on Sunday the 24th of May at 10pm BST.  Like my page and you will be entered twice!  

So!  Thanks for popping by and I hope the puffins made you smile as much I did.

Next in the Blog Hop is Louise so do pop over and say hi!   And if you have come straight here you might want to start at the beginning as Jennifer is planning a weekend of fun events and is giving away a WRK Insta Album Kit. 

This is the prize up for offer.  Enter to win by commenting on all the blogs in the Focus Your Craft & Soul Hop! The giveaway closes on Sunday the 24th of May at 10pm BST, and is open internationally.  Here is the complete list, have fun!



  1. I love puffins too and I take my camera everywhere. My new mobile phone has a great camera, much better than my old one and I've managed to get some lovely pictures recently. I'm going to look into your 5 in 5 meme too
    Jo xxx

    1. It sounds like we have lots in common Jo! Hope you will like 5 in 5 and join in, it would be lovely to see your photos.

  2. Aww the puffin is gorgeous Sandie, I definitely associate you with your camera!

  3. so glad to see your post as it wasn't here when I tried earlier...would have hated to miss those wonderful puffins...looking forward to seeing more xxx

  4. Fabulous puffin photos Sandie x

  5. Great pics of the puffins and love your journal page!

  6. Love the puffins...and the tracing paper gives an interesting effect.

  7. Hi dandie, puffins do make me smile, they are full of character- I've had the pleasure of visiting them on skimmer island in wales.
    I will defiantly be back to your blog, I'm intrigued with your book making and fancy seeing a few of those 4000 photos.x

  8. Great photo of the puffin, & a great page to house it, looking forward to seeing other photos from your trip away

  9. Looking forward to learning more about that Shetland trip! And how splendid to have seen puffins up so close - your journal is going to be rich and full in experience.

  10. Will definitely be joining in on 5 in 5!

  11. Have always adored puffins! From a childhood game :-) Thx for sharing.

  12. Love your little puffin page... and the technique - fabulous! I took a shine to your 5 in 5 page too! Will look more at that later.
    Sadly I don't have facebook. It's one less thing to do on the computer! And more time scrapping at the table for me!

  13. HI Sandie, those puffins look so cute! Love the transparent image on your journal page :o)

  14. I love your puffins especially your landscape picture. Lucky you!

  15. A great technique, new to me too! I'd love to do some more travelling around the UK exploring our wonderful wildlife.

  16. Brilliant page and that is an amazing photo

  17. Puffins always make me smile :) I love that long, horizontal would make a fantastic postcard

  18. Love your layout...and the idea of printing on tracing paper I will definitely try!!!!!

  19. Love you layout...and the idea of printing on tracing paper I will definitely try!!!!!!!!

  20. I love puffins too!
    I didn't realise you had a facebook page - I'm off to check it out!

  21. great photos, I love birds.

  22. oh wow Sandie, your puffin photos are fantastic.

  23. That looks like a wonderful trip. How does tracing paper compare to vellum?

  24. What an amazing experience!!! I am off to check out your FB page!!

  25. what a great post, learned lots of new interesting things and they are all noted ha ha! Loved the puffins too, so cute!!

  26. Wow so many things here to check out. As if the puffins weren't enough. Will deffo be back. x

  27. Just popping around to finish up the hop today & the puffins definitely made me smile!

  28. Hopping along! What a wonderful idea with the baking paper....& those little birds sure aren't how you've journaled about them:):)

  29. I've made an art journal page being inspired by yours!!
    Thanks so much!

  30. I've never come across puffins this close - you lucky girl! They are such beautiful birds!

  31. Great journal page Sandie, I love how the text shows through the tissue paper, I'm going to try this technique out too. The puffins look amazing I would love to see them myself one day.

    Thank you so much for joining in the Focus Your Craft & Soul Blog Hop! x
