Wednesday 22 April 2015


This is my 5th year of Project 365 and rather than have my photos sit on my computer I have decided to share them here weekly.

Welcome to week 14. 
Day 94:  My beautiful Singer...
Day 95: Easter Egg hunt... I think I had as much fun setting this up as the girls did finding the eggs!
Day 96: A fascinating exhibition about British soldiers who turned a wasteland into a garden while held as prisoners.

Day 97: We set up the slide projector and it is a huge success. So much that our granddaughters wanted to do it a second evening and they were experts at changing the slides.

Day 98: More home made entertainment.  Lots of getting messy with paper, paint and pizza making. Not all at the same time I hasten to add!
The girls came for a couple nights sleep over and ended up staying five days.  What fun we had - I can't wait until next time!

I'm late posting as my computer developed a problem and it has only just been fixed but I'll be catching up as soon as I can.  Meanwhile thanks for popping by and hope you had a good Easter too.


  1. That shot of your grand-daughter with the slide projector is just wonderful ... And I am intrigued by the information about the British soldiers and the garden. Last time I was in London, I saw an exhibition about just this very thing, but in a different part of Germany. We are clearly a green-fingered lot!

  2. That sewing machine reminds me of needlework classes at school! Love that picture of your granddaughter with the slide projector.

  3. I absolutely love that picture of your grand daughter with the projector. That's one to frame! And I'm another one intrigued by the exhibition. I'm sure I would have enjoyed that

  4. Great photo of your daughter viewing slides. Well captured.
