Tuesday 17 March 2015


This is my 5th year of Project 365 and rather than have my photos sit on my computer I have decided to share them here weekly.

Welcome to week 10. How fast the days are passing, we are already one fifth into the year! 

Day 64: Our monthly VW meet with fellow enthusiasts. New friends made, new groups discovered, and a nice meal to round off the evening.

Day 65: Spring was in the air.  Lots of washing on the line, cupboards emptied, cleaned and reorganised.  So much achieved! 
Why can't every day be like this?!

 Day 66: A trip to Kent for a craft workshop.  I am so glad I no longer have this daily commute!

Day 67:  The book that I made at the workshop yesterday run by Neil Walker. I have written about it in more detail here.

Day 68: An evening with friends and creative play. 

Day 69: The grass gets its first cut and roll.

Day 70:  My main computer keeps crashing and I am having to use my laptop instead.  The keys are different. I keep making typos.  It is frustrating!! 

I am late posting this week so more 'A year in Photos' will follow very soon! Thanks for popping by....


  1. The sight of those blue skies and billowing linen lifts my heart - like sails in the wind! Can't believe you ae cutting the grass - ours is not growing yet and is held together by mud!

  2. Cut grass and billowing washing....perfect signs that Spring is arriving.

  3. Yes, signs of Spring here have me washing windows because the sun is showing all the dirt!

    I only have a laptop and it's misbehaving at the moment..I'm trying to nurse it along because I don't really want a new one: I hate the adjustment.

  4. Loving the snaps, especially the first (as I am currently scrapping some pages about wine country.)
