Thursday 5 March 2015

5 in 5 - March 2015 - THE GOLDEN HOUR

                                        Welcome to '5 in 5' where on the 5th of
each month I post 5 photos that I have
taken in 5 minutes. 

Near home there is a small church that sits remote on top of a hill and as we passed it yesterday I mentioned that I plan to stop one day and take photos. I didn't ask to stop on this occasion as we were tired and nearing the end of a 4 hour car journey, but then I noticed the sun low in the sky.
The golden hour. 
I mentioned that this is the best time of day for photos. So my husband, being the amiable soul that he is, offered to pull over, and as I never like to miss an opportunity, I grabbed my camera. As I snapped away I remembered that it is nearly 5th of the month and so this seemed a good time to take my 5 in 5 photos. I set my timer and planned my route.....
One of the main reasons I wanted to visit the church is to see the cork tree that grows in the cemetery.  You can see it on the left behind the gate.

The bark is thick and spongy.

It is tall and an imposing sight in this small cemetery.  It's bark had a reddish hue in this light.

And when I turned I saw the sun had nearly gone down, and I reminded myself that some moments should not be missed.

And when I looked behind me, there was the moon.  The perfect end to a perfect day.


If you fancy grabbing your camera and joining in this month it would be great to hear about it. Do link in below so I can come and see your photos, and here's the plan: 

  1.  Choose a location.

2.  Have your camera ready.

3.  Set a timer for 5 minutes (I use my mobile phone).

4.  Take as many photos you can until the time is up.

5.  Choose 5 photos to download and share by using the link tool below. 

   Please note: 

You can take  your photos any time, they do not have to be taken on 5th!
And you have until the 25th of the month to add your photos to the link.

There are more details here.

And one more thing - when you use the link tool, please click on your post title.  This will show the web address. Please right click, copy and paste this as your link.  This will take readers directly to your '5 in 5' blog page and be easier for them to find.

And don't forget, you can take your photos any time during the month and you have until 25th to post your link!

 Thank you for popping by, your comments are always welcome and appreciated. And thank you to those who join in, regularly or occasionally. I LOVE to see your photos and to see your own themes and ideas. Please keep them coming!!     

For some reason Inlinz shows an expired list, please scroll down, you can link below. Thank you.


  1. Wow, that sunset is amazing! I've seen a cork tree around here somewhere but didn't know until this post that it was actually a cork tree. I just have to remember where I saw it now!

  2. I think I love this challenge. I'm not much into photographing, but this doesn't take much time, right? Came here via Eileen's blog.

  3. I did a study of sunset light last year, and it was really interesting how much better it was right after sunset than right before.

  4. beautiful golden light and I love that gate

  5. It does make such a difference taking photos during the golden hour, lovely photos!
