Sunday 8 February 2015

5 in 5 - MELANIE - Feb 2015

Melanie is my friend who lives in Australia and she loves photography. Every month Melanie has taken part in this monthly neme and we managed to find a way round her not having a blog by posting here. I love that we have found a way for her to take part so once again Melanie, over to you:
"Having left my garden unattended for 18 days while on a holiday to join the celebrations of my mother-in-laws 90th birthday I returned to find my one tromboncino zucchini (courgette) plant had gone berserk.  I picked ten huge specimens.  Since it was February 5th and I should be taking some 5 in 5 photos I decided these had to part of the 5 in 5 photos.  My head was still in a state of confusion as we had only returned home on February 3rd after a 20+ hour flight from the UK.  I knew my photos would have to be taken nearby so decided with the zucchinis now sitting on my kitchen bench I would start with them and walk into my garden which was a wilderness, for the rest of the photos.  So top RHS those zucchini with the electrical socket to give you an idea of their size.  Bottom RHS the plant which I picked the zucchini from. Top middle the couch grass which has completely over taken the artichoke section of my herb garden.  I need to do some serious weeding there but with temperatures in the thirties these past few days and the same expected for the next few days this will not happen immediately.  Bottom middle this is my leek patch which has come on great since I left.  Finally the photo on the LHS is some of the tomato plants which have also gone berserk.  We had few tomatoes before we left while away our friends looking after our home said they have been giving tomatoes away and there are still heaps to come".
Unfortunately I didn't get to see Melanie on this brief visit to the UK but there are plans for her to return this summer so hopefully we will catch up then.  As always, a big thank you to Melanie for sending these photos, especially so soon after her long flight home. If this has inspired you to pick up your camera and take part in this challenge you have until 25th before this months link closes.
 It's great fun and this post should answer any questions or give other information that you need.

Links for this months post are here and hopefully I'll be back with more photos from Melanie and myself next month. I hope you will join us and thanks for popping by!

1 comment:

  1. beautiful lush growth, a welcome contrast to my brown winter garden
