Saturday 10 January 2015


This year I decided to start walking every day as a meaning to moving more and getting out.  I love walking and during the summer months we do this often, but in winter or miserable weather it is too easy just to jump in and out of the car or spend the day indoors.

I am not someone who likes 'exercise' so I need a nudge to keep me motivated. I decided that I will take photos of my walk, including regular ones of the same viewpoint so that I can become aware of the seasonal change.  It will encourage me to pay attention to what is around me and then Eileen bought my attention to 'I am following a tree'.  I had started to notice one or two different trees along my walk and the idea of taking photos had already began to establish itself. So I will be joining in with Loose and Leafy and sharing photos each month of my chosen trees. I'm hoping this will add interest to my walks and help me develop a routine.

But meanwhile I wanted to share what a difference a day makes.  This is the view point I have chosen on two consecutive days:

And this is our local pub which I use as my  half way marker. 
Like so many other pubs it closed down but it is being redeveloped into an equestrian centre. It will be interesting to follow the progress and I was surprised to see the security fence removed overnight.

I am using these photos to link in with Helena.  Last year she ran a weekly neme called ZIZO and I enjoyed taking part. This year Helena has invited us to share PAIRS of photos and I see this being fun and offering more potential so I hope to join in even more.

Have a good week and if you are getting out for regular walks I'd be interested to know more about how you maintain your motivation!

This seems to be my year of blog celebration!
After saving I noticed that it is my 250th blog post. 

And yesterday I spotted that I had received over 51,000 page views.
Thank you.  Thank you!!
I had planned a giveaway when I reached 50,000 views so I took the opportunity to mark the occasion. 
So why not do the same for this?!

The first person to leave a comment here will receive a small giveway.  It's as simple as that!! 
Please make sure I know how to contact you for your address.


  1. indeed what a difference a day makes - and looking forward to seeing your tree in the field through the seasonal changes

    1. Happy clapping here!
      Since posting this Helena I realised this was my 250th blog post. I made an edit offering a giveaway to the first person who left a comment, so how apt it was you, since I have linked to your neme!!

  2. I love the idea of 'following a tree' !!

  3. These pairs are really intriguing, especially the difference that mist made to the landscape - a whole other atmosphere ...
