Wednesday 14 January 2015


This is my 5th year of Project 365 and rather than have my photos sit on my computer I have decided to share them here weekly.
So welcome to week 2:
Day 8. Remembering....

Day 9.  A wonderful soak and read in the bath.

Day 10.  Happy Mail from Canada!!  A handwritten envelope always makes me smile, and when I open it, I smile even more!

The envelope was heavily perfumed and bumpy... it turned out to be a special tea bag. It felt like a warm hug all the way from Canada and it tasted divine!

Day 11. Hubble bubble. 
I am simmering an orange for a orange and almond cake. 
On the back, homemade soup, and out of view a chicken casserole. 
I love cooking and trying new recipes!

Day 12.  The rest of the ingredients and an orange and almond cake in the making. A friend came round to help me with paperwork and for lunch.  Afterwards we booked the ferry for our trip to The Sheltland Islands in April. We are getting very excited! 

Day 13.  Time was spent researching my family history.  I have hit a wall and am still unable to make headway, even with a friends help. But I did uncover another exciting lead on a different family line. 

Day 14. A visit to the eye hospital with my Mum. I discovered a case in the corner with a collection of old equipment. How things have changed!

Thank you for popping by.  I'll be back next week with another collection of photos. 

I wonder what has your week looked like?


  1. That's a fascinating glimpse ... Last time I took Dad to the eye clinic, there was a display of old instruments too! Your papery trip (if I remember correctly) to the Shetlands sounds very exciting.

  2. Nice selection thinking the Shetlands are going to be cold in April!! Xx

    1. Am thinking the same Alison! I am buying thermals, water and wind proof clothing and hoping I will be ready for anything the weather throws at me!
      By the same token I could be very lucky and have a touch of spring..... it's anyone's guess and I need to pack for all possibilities and to be prepared LOL.

  3. Well, I've been to the opticians and I've made a chicken casserole! And I've dreamed of the Shetland Isles, which I'd love to see. You are going to get some great photos there

  4. I feel the same about Project 365, this is my fifth year. I post to Flickr and have the months past on my side bar but I do like your idea of a weekly post.
