Wednesday 7 January 2015


I am very lucky in having a large garden nearby that is open to the public, and as I have a season ticket it makes a good place to visit all year round.  A few days after Christmas I met a friend there for a walk and in my last post I mentioned that I took lots of photos, the ones I shared are in complete contrast to others that
took, so here are a few more.  Despite the sharp frost the day was actually quiet warm, but even so, lunch and a drink of hot chocolate was very welcome at the end! 

I love how these droplets of water cling to the grass. 

At this time of year lots of the plants are brown with empty seed heads, but look close enough and you could see interesting shapes and textures.

Some of the shrubs and trees have bare branches that reveal interesting shapes. These ones have been tied to create sculptural forms, I look forward to seeing them as they grow foliage. 

Other branches had beautiful colour and natural shapes.

We were surprised to see so many flowers in bloom at this time of year, though it has been unseasonably warm.   

These are cardamom seed heads.  I love the different textures and there was still much to enjoy in the garden at this time of year.

These are not the most attractive plants that we saw, but they made me think of meercats and how they stand on lookout. 

My friend is a textile artist and she found the contract of colour and texture very inspiring.

I had to agree! I will be visiting when it is warmer with a journal and sketchbook, and the idea of including fabric is quite appealing. I hope you are discovering local places of your own to visit and enjoy, and to appreciate what ever the season has to offer. 


  1. These are great shots--some I'm sure I would take. Love the water drops. We have pods like the second shot and just call them aliens!! I think some of these pictures would be awesome in sepia or black and white.

  2. It looks like a wonderful garden to wander through

  3. Sandie, I am so envious living next door to a wonderful treasure, and to watch Nature change season by season.

    Stunning photos, love the water drops, and fabulous colours.


  4. These are even better than your 5 in 5! The water droplets is stunning and you have a keen eye for shape and texture. That camera seems to be performing rather well!

  5. You certainly have captured some arresting shapes, and the light is lovely too. A great place to visit any time of the year by the looks of things

  6. Comment let by Patricia (deleted in error!)
    Stunning photos Sandie and a lovely walk by the looks of it. Lunch and a hot chocolate would go down well with me too. :))

  7. Happy New Year to you Sandie. What a beautiful collection of winter pictures, and that sky! just lovely.

  8. lovely photos...the meerkats!!!
