Monday 10 November 2014

ZIZO - Poppies

For weeks I have planned to go to London to see the poppy sculpture 'Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red'.  I have seen so many photos, breath taking images that moved and made me want to go even more.  I knew I would always live with regret if I let this spectacle and stunning tribute pass.

And so today I caught the train, joined the mass of people who were of the same mind, and took my turn to pay my respect and take photos.


It was just as I imagined, I'm so glad that I went.

Joining in with Helena's weekly neme, ZOOM IN ZOOM OUT.


  1. WOW! It does look amazing! Definitely worth the trip.

  2. wish I was closer to London so I could see it in person - such a stunning idea from the artists to demonstrate how many died

  3. I wish I could have gone. It's truly remarkable.

  4. Oh it has been worth the trip each time I went. My Mom finally got there yesterday lunch time. Glad you made it - love that zoomed in photo.

  5. if only it could have been a permanent installation!

  6. Glad you managed to get there Sandie. It was spectacular wasn't it. P x

  7. What a stunning photo. I had no idea it was so big ... Lovely to see it here, even if I can't get to see it in person.
