Thursday 4 September 2014


It is beginning to feel like Christmas here....  no, not because that time of year is fast approaching but because happy mail is arriving!  Each day I wait excitedly to see if the postman will deliver another Junk Journal and word has spread because 3 packages are on their way from US.  I'm happy clapping here!

I am having great fun with this Swap and some of the comments I received have really added something special:

'I've really enjoyed the process of creating something that doesn't need to feel 'perfect' - it's been liberating!  

'Thanks so much for the little nudge I needed to start feeling creative again' 

'I was so inspired that I've already made myself another one'. 

All this from the same person!   And there have been other lovely comments and gestures too.  Let me show you another package that arrived.......

I mentioned lovely gestures.  Well this surprise package came from a friend who is not taking part in the Swap!  She had made the most delightful little velum packages with 
French Sugar Paper and stamps tucked inside.  And there was a wonderful assortment of papers and folded card.....  'is this the kind of thing you're looking for?' she asked!!  Well, it takes another paperlover to know that this is EXACTLY what I was looking for, and so a HUGE thank you to Angela!!   The journals will be even fatter and more interesting for your contribution.
In my last post I decorated pages and pockets with Dylusion Spray Inks.  This time I have been getting messy with paint and stamping.  I  have a pile of books that I keep for upcycling and altering so I often tear pages of text and cover them with Gesso or a light coat of paint or ink.  Afterwards I use it as a background or as part of a collage, or decorate it in someway.
For a long time I have been planning to experiment with making my own stamps so I decided to keep to the theme of upcycling and I cut some scraps of mountboard, covered it with wet glue, and added string.  It was a bit messy to do as the string kept lifting and uncurling, but perseverance won

And here is the result.  I liked the effect when I tried it so I made another using thicker string and a more loose design.  I have lots more ideas which I will be trying out when I have more time.....

But meanwhile here are some more pages I have made for the Junk Journal Swap.  My pile is growing, and once the journals have all arrived I will spend a happy couple of days swapping pages and making up journals to post back.  Sending Happy mail is as good as receiving!!

I am also including scraps.  These die cut negatives make wonderful additions to a page as strips or cut into individual letters to create words.....


And do you remember this background paper I showed in my previous post?
Well here is a page that I made from it......
It is ready now for someone to add their own ideas, or maybe just leave it as it is.  Because soon this page, a long with the others, will be packaged up and posted.  It is too late this time to take part in the Swap although this has been such fun that I will be planning others.  Let me know if you want me to keep you posted about this.  Meanwhile if you missed previous posts and would like to catch up here are the links:
Last time I mentioned that my friend Deb is taking part in the Swap and will be sharing the story about what inspired her journal.  She has been on holiday but like a trooper she has come home and done her part so now it is over to me to put into a post.  So watch this space because Debs is someone who always inspires me and she has a wicked sense of humour! 
But first, the 5th of the month is approaching and that means it will be time for my monthly neme '5 in 5'.  I  also have photos of my Summer Scavenger Hunt to share so I hope to catch up with you again soon and thank you for visiting.  And thank you too, to everyone who has taken part in this Junk Journal Swap - I am loving every minute of it! 


  1. These decorated pages are visually scrumptious! I like your string patterns very much - looking forward to more. When i made some stamps with string, I found that carpet tape instead of wet glue was a much more 'holding' adhesive (in case that bit of information is any use to you!). I added a coat of gesso on top which made them easier to clean.

    1. Thank you for ideas about making string stamps Alexa.
      I have used strong double sided tape before when making stamps but found the glue stuck to my scissors while I was shaping it and there was excess glue in the stamp design which caused a problem. It's a continued learning experience and I will try using tape again with gesso - that might help to seal it. The way I got round the glue attaching to my scissors when mounting stamps was to sprinkle talcum powder over the backing before I cut round the stamp. The fun that we have with glue and sticking !!! lol

  2. Sandie, those parcels just look so exciting! It makes the organising all worth while when it all comes together and everyone is enjoying it

    1. Yes, you will know what that feels like Sian as you have run successful postcard and other swaps. The enjoyment outweighs the effort involved ! :)

  3. it is looking good Sandie glad you are having so much fun! Love the string stamping by the way

  4. Sandie, please give Angela a hug from me. I loved opening the little package and sifting thru its contents. I have yet to look at it is filled to the top with lovely goodies. The kind us paper junkies adore!

    1. I'm so glad that you liked the paper package that arrived with your journal, Joy. It was fun putting them all together and I can't wait to see what you make with it :) x
