Thursday 7 August 2014

SCAVENGER HUNT 2014 - Let's get started!

One of the things I enjoy each summer is taking part in Rinda's Summer Scavenger Hunt and I decided it is about time I share some of my photos.  Some of the things on this years list seemed quite simple, birds on a wire for example... until you need a photo that is!!  Birds on wires have been elusive, or seen when I am driving, and after a while I began scratching my head.  Then I remembered this bird in our garden.  It is suspended on a wire and I have more than one, so that counts.  No. 3 ticked!

No. 18 - A waterfall was less difficult as we have a pond in our garden so I didn't have to go too far for this one.

No. 13 - A sunrise.  In my former life I used to get up at 5am for work and frequently saw the sun rise.  It would always give my day a good start and put a bit smile on my face.  As I no longer have this routine it meant setting the alarm and first day it was too cloudy.  Luckily my next attempt was more successful and this is the view from my bedroom window:

 No.2 A garden gnome.  This was another on the list that was initially elusive, and even my husband was on the look out for me.  Finally I found some in a small supermarket and took a photo but better still, I came across these cheerful chappies at a local garden centre.  Success!!
And I also got a second chance of taking birds on a wire too because while out on a local walk I came across this sign.  Perfect!!   I didn't know that this area had been the inspiration of Alfred Hitchcock's film, and since we discovered a lovely new walk along the river we will be going back.  We might even get to take a photo, so if we are in time I'll share my third photo of birds on a wire! 

I am enjoying seeing other Summer Scavenger Hunt photos and thank you Rinda for organising this again!!  It's not too late for you to take part if you you're not already, and you can find out more here.

I have more photos to post and meanwhile here is the complete list.
Scavenger Hunt List - 2014
1. A sign welcoming people to your home town (or a nearby town)
2. A garden gnome
3. Birds on a wire
4. A group of tourists
5. A rack of post cards
6. An urban street scene
7. A rural landscape
8. A tattoo on a person
9. A bakery
10. A photo bomb (someone found lurking in the background of photo; the lurker may have intended to disrupt the picture or may be doing it unintentionally, but the background lurker is a surprise to the photographer)
11. A horn
12. A mascot
13. A sunrise
14. A parade
15. A juggler
16. A sign in a language other than English
17. A lamp post
18. A water fall
19. A public garden
20. A bus (not a car, truck, lorry, camper or RV) with a picture painted on its sides.
21. A photograph of you with something representing the season (recognizing that the season will be Winter for our friends in the southern hemisphere). Note: you may not use a substitute for this item.
If you find something on the list too difficult, you may substitute one of the following items for anything on the list, except for Item #21:
Alternative A: A kite, hot air balloon or blimp
Alternative B: A bird house


  1. TWO imaginative photos of birds on a wire - for a beginner, you are streets ahead :). And your gnomes are in such pretty colours; I usually see red and grey ones ...

  2. That's great 'birds on a wire' sign.

  3. Great start Sandie! You've managed to come up with two entries for birds on a wire, while I am still hopelessly staring at overhead wires while walking or driving. We have miles upon miles of bird-free wires here!

  4. Love the colourful gnomes and so interesting to see your birds on wires.

  5. Funnily enough I was sitting talking to DH on the phone this morning and the elusive birds on wire had gathered in front of my very eyes....could I find the camera?!...don't be silly!!
    Alison xx

  6. I like your birds on a wire and of course I'm impressed by your sunset. I haven't managed to haul myself out of bed for that one yet!

  7. Great start Sandie, I think I am on about the same amount as you :-) the blasted birds are driving me crackers, I finally got one last week but it is a rubbish photo and I can't be having that, I think I shall be waiting for the swallows to gather in september!!!

    I love your sunrise and the gnomes are happy looking and less sinister than some I have seen. Your pond looks fab too. x
