Monday 18 August 2014


Hi!  I am back with some ideas about how to prepare pages for a Junk Journal.  In this post  I shared ideas about the different papers and materials that can be used to make pages. And today we will focus on envelopes and ways of folding paper and card as we are looking at how to make pockets, wallets, and ways to conceal or contain things such as journaling, tickets, tags etc.
I will try not to be too photo heavy, though sometimes a picture can say more than words and also show an example.  Here is some of the envelopes and stationary that I used:

Some pockets will be left for the recipient to decorate as they choose, so it was a simple case of choosing a top or side opening.  Where necessary I cut the envelope to fit the journal cover and stuck down any open or cut sides, leaving just the pocket opening.  With the example below I decided to reveal the inside of the envelope as I like the blue design.  This also shows how I formed the sides when resizing an envelope.  In this example I slit the sides and opened the envelope.  I cut away some of the excess paper leaving a small lip which was glued, so that when the page was folded it made a neat edge.  I stuck the other side with tape, leaving the top of the pocket open.  And to conceal a join in the original construction of the envelope, I added a strip of decorative tape across the bottom.... see picture below.

Here's the finished pocket ready to be put into the journal. 
It can be decorated later by me or the recipient.
Windows make a nice addition as they show a glimpse of the contents. 
I upturned the envelope and covered the print.
A magazine cutting neatens the back of this used envelope and adds interest. 
It also folds inside the envelope, strengthening and tidying the original flap.
Next I chose a lunch bag and cut it in half. 
It was too wide to fit the cover so I trimmed it and sealed the edge with decorative tape.  Inside I stuck the gusset with tape to make it more firm.  The finished page provides 2 pockets, one inside the bag and one inside the folded base. 

With the top of the lunch bag I simply stapled the cut edge.  Sometimes simple closures add effect, don't you think?  This is a side opening and the handles would have made the page too wide, so I stapled these onto the page each side. The gusset allows a wide pocket opening so I added a length of string which can be tied to keep the contents secure. 

Next came a greetings card.  This one was quick and easy
with two strips of double sided tape to form a top opening pocket.
 Remember the file at the top of the page?  Well I cut it to size and opened it up.
This just needed double sided tape to make a nice strong pocket page.
 And if you buy books from Amazon, or online, I'm sure you have some of these!  They
make good strong pages and I cut the envelope to the right width.  The cut edge will form
the pocket opening.  I then had to reduce the height of the page, so I measured one side
and folded the excess, gluing it inside to make a nice strong edge.  Next time I will
show an addition that I added to this page.  I hope some of these ideas are useful.
I have started to receive journals and my excitement is growing as fast as my collection of pages!  What's more, I was so inspired by the story behind Deb's journal that I have invited her to tell us more and this will come later in the week.  I'll be back meanwhile with another post, this time showing some quick and easy page decoration.   Thank you for visiting.
There is still time to join in the Junk Journal Swap!!
You can find more about it here.  


  1. wow, Sandie, some great ideas there. x x

  2. It's very inspiring to see all the envelopes and bits which I can never bring myself to throw away being put to such good use. I have one of those Amazon envelopes staring me in the face as I type. Maybe I need to start journaling

  3. I especially like the things you've done with the lunch bag :).
