Thursday 10 July 2014

ZOOM IN ZOOM OUT - Seed heads

Today I am joining in with Helena's 'ZOOM IN ZOOM OUT' and as the name suggests you take 2 photos of the same scene.  I find myself paying more attention and sometimes find unexpected surprises.  I was spoilt for choice this time so I am including two ZIZO's ! 
These amazing seed heads were seen at Paycockes House, owned by the National Trust.  I may not have noticed their size if I wasn't looking so closely.
The seeds heads look so much smaller here!  They were drying in a beautiful open sided barn and I have posted more photos of the barn and garden here.
I took another ZIZO in the garden:

These are the seeds of a plant called Honesty.  How amazing that one side looks almost purple, and yet translucent with the sun shining though. They will turn silver as they dry... a seed pod of many colours.  They used to be popular in flower arranging once.  Anyone else remember them?
Thank you to Helena for this great idea, it helps me to see things in a different way.

And if you like photo challenges do pop over to here because I am offering a GIVE AWAY to celebrate the first anniversary of  '5 in 5'.


  1. both beautiful and well spotted - I have some honesty in my garden this year - I loved it as a child and will be saving them this year to brighten the winter months inside

  2. I especially love the seed heads - grand photos.

  3. I do indeed remember honesty - such a pretty plant. My Mum was very fond of using it for winter displays. Those seed heads are wonderful - I am enchanted by the weathered brick interior too.
