Wednesday 12 June 2013


Here is my workspace this week.... I am almost ashamed to show.

It's a crazy chaos that I am trying to organise and clear. It also spread back into the house a few weeks ago and the dining room table is also covered.  I have bought rather a lot of new materials recently including more this weekend:

Did I mention that I filled a new loyalty card in my last post?  Well I did, and I did it again at a different shop this week!  You see I spent Saturday with Dyan Reaveley, learning art journaling techniques.  The colourful mess page you see above is one of my first attempts of creating background pages in my brand new journal. And because I can see I am going to fill the journal quite quickly I thought I had better buy two more! I also bought a new Perspex block as this one is good for larger stamps and has a measure down one side and a curve on the other - useful for drawing lines to journal in or for giving pages a different shape edge. 

I already have Cut-N-Dry foam but can't find it so decided more was needed.  And the 6x6 Template sheets are for cutting out my own stencils. Yay!  What fun it will be to design my own - I was going to experiment with a laminated sheet and I will still do this as they will be considerably cheaper if they work.  Completing my shop is a collection of Dylusion sprays - I've thought about buying these for so long!  I posted about my day with Dyan here so pop over if you want to find out more.  It was an amazing experience and I can't wait to book another day it her. 

Sometimes the universe gives us what we need... 

For weeks now my head has been very messy with information and ideas that I have gathered.  In fact, my head has been as messy as my workspace.  So I have been writing it all into a notebook to contain it...  make sense of it...  and keep it safe. 
And I knew were to find it. 
Only now I can't because very annoyingly I left my notebook at the workshop, and I am lost without it.
So I am stepping back and starting with a blank page because One of the things I had been working on is ideas for my  third Blogaversary next week. The problem is, I had so many ideas that I was overwhelmed and consequently nothing is planned as yet.

But I will!  I don't want the day to pass un-noted so without my book I will start again and this time I will keep my ideas simple. My wonderful friend Pauline has offered to pick my book up for me.
And here are a couple of other things on my workspace, work in progress and things to come. 

I do hope you will pop by again next week to celebrate my third Blogavesary with me. I am thinking a giveaway, a swap, or something equally fun! 

So that's me, for now.  Over at Julia's you can find out what other people have on their workspace today.  And what a great way of finding out what others are making a mess with, buying, and doing.  Have a great week and thanks for popping by! 



  1. Mine's pretty messy too!!! I like the idea of cutting my own stencils.

  2. Congratulations on your 3rd Blogversary - really quite an achievement considering my blog hasn't been going for 3 weeks yet! Emma 131 (late to the party!)

  3. A messy workspace means you love it - so I go with messy x
    Will be back to check out your blog for you blogaversary - not sure when mine is- will check

  4. I had a big tidy up at the weekend and although I really want to do some crafting am loathe to as I know how much mess I will make again in a very short time.

  5. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for your anniversary!
    Alison xx

  6. looks like you have been very busy not only sorting but with buying as well. It is always nice to have new crafting stash.
    Happy WOYWW and I hope you have a great week
    Ria #42

  7. Love the messy desk, plenty to snoop at!
    Karen #47

  8. I love that pic with all the taupe colours in, so cool and elegant...but like me... NOT!! And your desk isn't the messiest I've seen today....looks like you've been having fun though!!
    Hugs, LLJ 39 xx

  9. "Spread"..yes, that's a tricky thing to control! Once I start using the floor as well I know I'm in trouble. I hope your notebook comes home soon

  10. I am so glad you shared your messy room! Most of the time mine is messy too. I think that's how most scrapbookers rooms are---they just don't share that part! I'm going to have to share some pictures of mine soon.

  11. It is so very encouraging when other desks look lived in as well!! Mine is frequently covered over - loads of different things going on... Have a great sorting week!
    Margaret #67
