Wednesday 5 June 2013


This post is part of a weekly sharing of what is on your workspace and this is my dining room table, looking very clear and tidy.

I have been shopping for new supplies and lots of things I didn't know that I needed...  Yay!!

I went to The Craft Barn this weekend you see, and there were 3 marquees full of demonstrators and amazing examples of their work. Now I love anything to do with PaperArtsy, and Leandra was there showing how to use their chalk paints on textured finishes.  So I had to buy some more masks.  Okay, I know I already have lots I haven't taken out of the wrappers yet! But you see I already had some Artist Spackle that I bought at Ally Pally last year and so I didn't need to buy any filler. Yes... I know the pot is still unopened, but now I have been reminded why I bought it! I have a project in mind... and the money I saved on the Artist Spackle I spent on 3 pots of Treasure Gold. Good thinking, right?!  
I have been busy making notebooks lately so needed more Bind-it-All wires. I have made other mini books too, and I was looking for a different kind of closure.  These magnets will be good to experiment with... 

I also loved some papers I'd not seen before: 'stationary noted' by Teresa Collins. One of the sheets (Owl Ledger Paper) said to me 'mini book' and the 'Quotes' and 'Poleroid' sheets said 'pages' inside-said-mini-book.  Mmmm... I am working on other projects right now but I think I know the outcome.

I was also drawn Tim Holtz Kraft-Core (Nostalgic Collection). What amazing colours! So many to choose from - but it wasn't difficult.  The three colours are what I am most drawn to and I thought the orange complemented.  I have been resisting the Tim Holtz flower die for so long.  I am someone who will always try and improvise where I can. I have a scoring board and thought I could make flowers by cutting strips and folding the score marks. I've come to the conclusion that when too much effort and time is involved it doesn't happen.  Although these rosette type flowers are probably dated now I follow what I like rather than trends, and so the die jumped into my basket on this occasion.  Something else that jumped in was Americana clear Chalkboard coating.  I've yet to try it but I'm told it turns everyday surfaces into a chalkboard and as it is clear it will allow the colour underneath to show through. I will let you know how I get on with experimenting.

The other thing I couldn't resist is the PaperArtsy stamp set.  I already have one in that collection and I use it a lot. Yes! That is something I use and could fully justify buying more of! 

This Saturday I have booked 2 Dyan Reavely classes.  So excited!!  I know I will buy some of her Dylusions sprays, so another shop for supplies is planned.

So that's me, for now.  I'll tell you all about the DR classes next week. 
Meanwhile, over at Julia's you can find out what other people have on their workspace today.  Have a good week.. 


  1. Wow, what a great pile of LOOT! I have Tim's flower stamps and have found it's one I use over and over again. Have fun playing with your new goodies.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #36

  2. Oh dear - you are definitely a craftaholic! Great new stash - open it all up and just get playing!! x

  3. Yay for shopping and trying out new things =) Have fun at your DR classes this weekend.
    Happy WOYWW xx

  4. Well Sandie, I'm super impressed at your tidy table, and hideously jealous over your spree! Wow how lovely, and I'm so with you on the erm, saving s that allowed you to buy the gold!!

  5., with all the money you saved on one product, you used to buy 3 others.....I like your logic and style. I'm going to say that to my DH next time I come home with more fabric!! Lol
    Hugs, LLJ 35 xxxx

  6. Oh nice haul :) I love rosettes. I am not sure what some of the other items are so will investigate. Enjoy using them, as if I have to tell you that! xxx

  7. Oh! I can see you needed all those goodies! Have fun playing, Chris127

  8. Hi Sandie
    wow girl you know how to shop and I like that you go along my lines - I didn't know I needed it!
    Enjoy and please share with us what you make with that little lot
    Wishing you a very happy WOYWW and hope you have a great week
    Ria #39

  9. What a lovely haul.Funny how whenever we go into a craft shop we find things we never knew we needed!!

  10. Have fun trying out all your new goodies!!
    Margaret #30

  11. Looks like a great haul. Can't wait to hear about the DR classes you take. April #137

  12. Okay, Sandie, now that you've made us all jealous, we can't see the fantastic creations you make! Enjoy and I hope you have a wonderful week! Darnell (I'm just visiting this week, so no no.)

  13. Hi Sandie! That looks like a fantastic collection of goodies! Funny how we (myself included)have to justify our crafty buys...I bet a plumber doesn't have to justify a new wrench...a tool just like our arty supplies ;) I think I shall have to tell myself this from now on hehe! I hope you have a wonderful summer too..thankyou so much for all your support and cheering on, I'm so grateful for it xx BIG hugs x

  14. Vicarious shopping. I like it :)

  15. The propensity of things to fall into shopping baskets is one of the reasons they seem such dangerous places to go, to me! Glad you are happy with your haul and especially interested to read about the magnets for closures. I am always interested in ways of keeping notebooks closed so I hope you'll keep us posted. What a nice haul!
