Friday 15 March 2013


I am smiling about tomorrow....  a book-binding course, booked months ago.  In a Fire Station turned Art Centre.

My mind skips back to my first visit.  Initially I wasn't going to go to the Book Fair....   then a phone call from my friend Jill who was already there.

"I don't know if you planned to come, but you might want to".... 

She said she'd wait for me.... we'd have a cup of coffee together.  And as these thoughts come, so does the excitement, remembering my stomach lurch as I opened the door and saw tables laid with hand made books.  Yes!  Hand made books!  Every simple and intricate design you can imagine.  And I remember too the ideas that flooded and filled me.  I already knew I love making books, but these just excited me even more.  I took photos, made notes, and spoke to every crafter.  Some I really connected with, we exchanged names. Interests.  Ideas.

And now I sit here wondering what kind of book I will make tomorrow? What kind of binding? The hum of the computer is loud.  Disturbing.  I like quiet.... it is an intrusion.  Now I pick up the TV in the other room too, left playing in the background.  I had been ironing.  Watching a film.... The Untouchable.  A film that made me laugh, feel moved, feel present.  Everything else locked out....

I get up to  check the candle, remembering I had left the oil burner alight.  Rosemary fills the room.  It soothed as I worked my way through the pile of clothes, the rhythmic motion of the iron unconscious.  And now a car drives up, parks outside my window.  Another interruption.  Time to gather my materials for the workshop, and to move again.

Simply a Moment is a monthly post prompted by Alexa over at trimmingthesails.  For more quiet reflections why not pop over and have a browse? 


  1. Hope you enjoy it Sandie. Look forward to seeing you over a cuppa(or lunch!) after the class.

  2. Beautifully told Sandie, I love this so much. Have just done mine a little late :)

  3. Sounds an interesting class - will you share what you make? Loved reading your "moment" - so beautifully written :)

  4. Do hope you enjoy the class,Sandie.

  5. A lovely moment. Enjoy your course.

  6. A lovely reflective moment, capturing what's around you and your thoughts too. I love the way it just gently unfolded ... Oh, you sound really enthused about the book binding! Hoping it's a wonderful experience for you both, and that you'll let us have a glimpse of what you do :). Thank-you so much for linking up today!

  7. I love how you invite us into your space. I really felt like I was home with you. It's been a long time since I bound a book, and I miss the feel of the needle and waxed linen thread in my hand, as well as the satisfaction of a finished project.
    Have fun at the class.

  8. Hope you enjoy your course Sandie...a beautifully described moment!
    Alison xx

  9. I could feel your excitement when you saw the room filled with handmade books :) I hope you had a successful workshop and were able to dig into the excitement you had that day.

  10. I love that feeling of anticipation you have conjured up so perfectly

  11. Your description of your moment almost makes ironing least, certainly put a different spin on the task. Do so hope your class was great...sure it was, in fact!


  12. Sounds like a lot of fun - hope your books turned out well :)

  13. Hope you enjoyed your day, it is something I have wanted to do for a long time, I would love to hear more about it.

  14. Beautifully described - I love making my own albums. Hope you had a wonderful time, and look forward to reading a bit more about it? J x

  15. This sounds very exciting, I hope you made a great book! x

  16. Just catching up on my reading, Sandie. So next, I'm going to find out if you finished your book - and what it looks like :)

  17. Or maybe, I'm not. Come on. Show us the goods! x

  18. Oh how lovely - I liked the details there and yes hope to see the book you made too :)
