Tuesday 1 January 2013

FAREWELL 2012 !!

Well, it has been quite a year in one way and another.  My One Word for 2012 was PROGRESS and how appropriate that turned out.  In many areas of my life I made huge differences, all positive.  Of course there were some down times too, but overall it was an amazing year. When I look back, one of the things that makes me smile a lot is our family celebration of the Queen's Jubilee.  I never did get to post about it.  And so I am taking this opportunity to look back and capture a treasured memory.

I decorated the house with bunting and paper chains and prepared the table for a family lunch.  And much to my Mum's surprise and delight I'd bought in traditional Pie and Mash with liquor.  Now my son in law has never tried this and he looked a bit suspicious, but soon there were empty plates and much praising that I had come up with this idea.

Then, we made origami boats and floated these in an old tin bath. The bath belonged to my grandfather, in the days when some homes did not have a bathroom and  the family bathed in front of the fire once a week.  Some people hang on to family silver.  Me... tin baths and memories.


And in her usual caring way, Summer made certificates for everyone.  Some were for 'best floating boat',  'best design', and a special one for my Mum:  'Sorry you didn't win the race'.


After this we went to a local farm.  The weather, as you might recall, had been wet, wet, wet.  But being British we were not going to let that spoil the day.  Our farmer rearranged the 'street party' in the barn, with long tables and wonderful music that was fitting for the occasion. 

We sang, danced, and celebrated this wonderful occasion, and being with family and friends made it special and memorable.  So I am ending this year on a high, with happy memories and hoping that 2013 will bring the same and more.  Time with family and friends is precious and I wish you all good health, happiness and everything you for yourselves.


  1. I didn't know I NEEDED a tin bath! What a lovely idea and for Summer to make those certificates. So sweet. Enjoy all the fun to come in 2013. M xx

  2. What a lovely celebration.....we had a street party....and everyone loved it.
    Happy [and fitter!]New Year.

  3. I love that you have your grandfather's tin bath!!! One of my grandmother's had an old bath in her yard that she grew flowers in :) Happy New Year!

  4. Pie and Mash with liquor - no jellied eels?!!? lol!

    Sounds like a perfect memory to look back on - Happy New Year Sandie x

  5. What a lovely warm feeling this post has left me with Sandie. Wishing you a lovely 2013 x

  6. Fab memories Sandie - it all seems so long ago now!

  7. What a fun way to remember 2012.

  8. Joyous photos!

    Farewell indeed to 2012. I hope 2013 is a wonderful one for you - full of plenty of good things for you and yours. Happy New Year!

  9. How nice to be reminded of such happy festivities as the year turns! Sending every good wish to you and the family for 2013. And I have happy memories of making paper boats just like those :).
