Thursday 25 October 2012


Driving home from work I was mentally writing this blog post. But I just couldn't think of a title and somehow it felt important to choose the 'right' one.  Then this evening, just as I was about to press the TV 'off' button... the final words of a presenter...

I rewound twice, listening hard... 

Totes Amaze?!  

Was I mis-hearing?  

A quick Google search, and there it was!  My title!!

Now, I'm not one for 'cool' phrases, but I could not let this one pass me.  It was EXACTLY what I was looking for.  And perhaps it will become clear as you read on....

Saturday saw us sitting round the table.  We agreed that indecision kept us stuck and that what ever the outcome, we would live with the consequence.  And so, we took the decision to move a radiator onto another wall and to move a large dresser base to where it had stood. No turning back....  
Then we measured a recess.  I wanted a bookcase with cupboard at the bottom and shelves above, and for it to fill as much of the space as possible.  We agreed we did not want to buy new as we wanted something with character and a one-off.  Choices were to make it ourselves or buy antique? Now my husband is good at making things but he has lots going on and I didn't want this to be drawn out. On the other hand...  what were the chances of finding the perfect piece of furniture that would fit that space?  We both agreed.... it would be slim.  Of course, we might find it over time, but as I said, I didn't want this drawn out. And so we agreed we would also look for a base unit with the option of making book shelves.

So, we set out with tape and sizes written down. I'm not sure how much I believed it, but I told my husband confidently, "if it is meant to be, it will be there".  

We found one bookcase but it was too narrow, and then we went to another antique centre.  

Now.... here I have to digress a little.

A couple of weeks back I visited a friend. She had just bought an antique piano stool which she had stripped, painted, and  recovered. She proudly showed me what a clever design it was. Because the front pulled open and inside was an ample magazine rack. The top lifted off, and turned over, it could be used as a lap tray.  She had decorated and varnished the top of the box so that could be used as a side table. And with the padded top in place, it could also be used as a foot stool or a seat.  

Are you getting the picture?  A small piece of furniture but with so many uses. I decided I had to have one too!  But I imagined my chances of finding one similar, let alone the same, would be VERY slim.  

But guess what?!  There was one in the antique shop with a price tag I could afford. And what's more, it was already stripped and painted the exact colour I would have chosen! I could not believe my luck! And needless to say it was paid for and in my car before I could blink. It wasn't what I had come out to buy but my day was already made.

Then we wandered into the next building.

And guess what?!  

There was 'the' bookcase.  

We measured.  

It was the perfect size.

I was in a daze by now.... 

TWO pieces of furniture bought within the space of about 15 minutes, and both of which I thought would be difficult to track down. 

And, if you haven't guessed why the heading for this post felt so right, it is because it summed up my experience perfectly and that this word also came just when I was looking for it.  

"If it is meant to be, it will be there".  And it was.

Totes Amaze!  



  1. Wonderful post Sandie and how fortunate you were with your purchases. That little side table is just so lovely,

  2. Wow! Sometimes we just need that little bit of belief!

    Cute little stool, but no photo of the amazing super-fit bookcase? Will it follow in your "thank goodness we finished at last" post, in a few months? (hee hee)

  3. Delighted by your story of happy serendipity! Hope you have a lot of fun filling the shelves and making space for things new (to you). :)

  4. Wow, so glad it all came together for you like that! :) Yes, sometimes that IS the right phrase...

  5. I've got another one for you, courtesy of TSO - "It's amaze-balls!" Can't believe I just typed that..

    I'm delighted that you got exactly what you were looking for. If only furniture shopping always went like that :)

  6. I love it when things come together like that. LOL at TSO's "amaze-balls" - though when I started reading the post I was expecting some eulogy to your scrapbooking tote!
