Friday 21 September 2012


I have so enjoyed Rinda's Scavenger Hunt 2012.  This is my first time of taking part and I know I will be signing up again. My whole family have been involved at times and I have lots of stories of how some of the photos came about. Some have been told herehere and here,  but sadly I am pressed for time. So for now the photos will have to tell the rest of the story for themselves.  Here is all 21...  

I look forward to popping by to see what others have posted on this final day.  And I will miss the challenge.  But here's to new ones, and a very big Thank You to Rinda for organising this.

It has been fun!!


  1. I think following everyone else's finds has been even more fun than looking for them myself! Especially the libraries. I've loved the libraries

  2. Well done, Sandie! This is a superb collection. I especially like the photo of the fiddler.

  3. Fantastic photos. I love the way this has really captured everyone's imagination. Roll on next year eh?!

  4. Wow - you are an awesome photographer! I really appreciate the quality of composition in every single one of these. I think my favorite is the horse, although the bride is a close second.
    Thanks so much for playing along!

  5. Sandi, You have taken some great photographs. I particularly like the Shadow and the Maze ones. Gorgeous!

  6. Oh well done you, I like the Knight in Shining Armour, does he visit Devon :D xx

  7. As I kept scrolling I kept finding new "favourites" - a great selection of photos Sandie - love the fountains, the staircase and the dancing under umbrellas!

  8. Gorgeous pictures, well done. I think lots of families got more involved than they planned, I know mine loved finding things for me.

  9. What a lovely set of photos. One of the best sets I've seen from the hunt.
