Saturday 1 September 2012


This summer has been made extra fun by taking part in Rinda's Photo Scavenger Hunt.  My family got involved at times and I needed just two more photo's to complete my list.  I thought I might come across a pier or fountain during my travels, but no such luck.  

However, there is a pier a-drive-away, so I set off  with my husband for company.  On our way we made a detour to see the Olympic Mountain Bike track.  The road was lined with flags and the sculptures were a lovely surprise along the route.

And then we reached the coast.  

Now, this was when my problem arose. Because Southend pier is the longest in the world, extending 1.34 miles or 2.16 kms from land.  And in a photo it looks like a line across the horizon! 

Poor photos, but nonetheless, a pier!  Mission accomplished!  

And then, just to make my evening complete, Brian spotted a fountain along the waterfront.  Not just one, but a display of fountains that changed colour and height!!  

We ended our evening watching the fountains, while we sat in the car eating fish & chips.  A perfect end to a perfect evening.  

I will miss this challenge now it is completed.  I plan to make the photos into a collage, and I may just have to think up another idea to keep me busy with my camera in the months to come!


  1. Love the pier and the fountain. But mostly I love the image of you and your guy sitting in the car, watching the show and enjoying the fish and chips (all because of the Hunt). Mission accomplished indeed!

  2. Well done on completing Sandie, and that fountain shot is beautiful :) I love the one of Southend Pier, it looks quite moody and atmospheric.
    Fish & Chips sound good as well.
    I didn't join in as I do a photo a day challenge blog as well, but I have so enjoyed seeing everyone's photos around blogland that I will have to have a go next year.

  3. It's a long time since I've been to Southend....had forgotten how long the pier is.

  4. I loe how the photo hunt prompts outings. Amazing sculpture of the cyclists

  5. Sandie, you must live really close to my parents! I am off to visit them today so I may just have to go and visit those cycling statues as I know exactly where they are (I think!) from your photo! I really wanted to go to the mountain biking but didn't manage to get a ticket.

    1. Hope you had a great day with your parents and managed to see the cycling statues. Let me know next time you are in the area and perhaps we can arrange to meet for a coffee?!!

  6. Well done! It looks like everyone has their favourite shot here - I like the line of flags stretching into the distance

  7. Not bad photographs at all! I love the second one of the pier - there's some lovely colours in that sky!

    Thanks so much for stopping by earlier. I'll look out for you at CKC this month! x

  8. I love that the Scavenger Hunt gave you such a lovely evening with your Hubby - and some great shots too :o)
