Sunday 5 August 2012


I am a member of Bookcrossing and recently decided I would become more active and involved. I have too many books so it is a good opportunity to pass some on, and I have been 'releasing' books in places such as tea rooms, and an antique centre.... just leaving a book on a table, so that someone else can find and enjoy it.  

And I thought a book about flower arranging would be great to leave in a garden centre, so while no one was looking I popped it among a display.   

There are some official Bookcrossing 'Zones'.  These are recognised places where people release or find books and I made a recent visit to one within a local tea room.  Now, I already said that my plan is to reduce my book collection, so I hadn't reckoned on bringing as many home as I left!  But one was by my favourite author (Elizabeth Berg) and the other two are good summer reading.  Oh well, these can go back in my pile one day, as books to hide somewhere for someone else to find. 

I love quirky things, and so imagine my excitement when I discovered another official 'zone' is a village phone box, you know the kind, the lovely red traditional box that once decorated our streets.  It seems the local council asked the villagers if they would like to make use of this one when it became redundant.  It is now the place where people post local events, and there is a shelf for books.  As you can imagine, it is on my list of  places to visit this summer, and I am putting a bag of books together to take with me.

Meanwhile, on holiday, my granddaughters joined in the fun.  We left books on the campsite and in a play area.  But the mouth of a  crocodile was the perfect place to sneak a children's book or two....

And what fun to leave a book in a Police Box!

Or hanging from a tree!

And while the fun is leaving books for others to find, there is the additional fun and hope that someone will one day enter a books unique number into Bookcrossing and leave a short journal.  And imagine my joy when someone did that, this week.  And they also became a Bookcrossing member.  So who knows, they may release the book again after reading it and then we can both follow it's journey!  

On Tuesday I plan to meet with other members of the local group in a pub.  They have warmly welcomed me and told me to bring a large bag for any books I want to take home!  Looks like I shall be busy releasing books and looking for more interesting places to leave them, but what a fun way to spend summer!

This post is part of Sian's Storytelling Sunday.  You can read more here.  Sian suggested that we think of something involving love for this months story.  Well, my love of books is qualification!!


  1. I love the idea of bookcrossing, as I always love to pass my books on to someone else when I am finished. I must look into it again as your stories are great fun!

  2. What a fantastic idea, I've never heard of that before.

  3. ooh i love this idea and am off to look up the info,
    jo xxx

  4. Hi Sandie - this is a lot of fun! Your link going to the Scavenger Hunt, so I have edited it for you. Hope that's okay :) Thanks for your story today - any story about a love of books is bound to be a winner with me!

  5. i've not heard of bookcrossing...intriguing and a lovely way to pass on stories.

  6. yay another bookcrosser! I love bookcrossing and I even went as far as to start a crossing zone in a local coffee shop - coffee#1 have zones in loads of their places. You can find me on bookcrossing as Ladkyis

  7. This is such a good idea. I used to belong to Read It Swap It, but the recent postage hike has stopped me. Lovely to see the girls joing in the fun too :o)
    Fiona x

  8. What a lovely way of sharing books.

  9. Brilliant! It sounds like you have been having great fun. What a great way to move on books you no longer need. M x

  10. What a great idea, I will look into this. I am sorry I haven't visited you in so long, you are in my reader now so I don't forget you. Jen x

  11. This is such a fun idea - I've never heard of it before.

  12. That is a great idea, something I've not heard of before!

  13. I have never heard of bookcrossing. It sounds wonderful! I think I shall have to explore the idea some more, thanks for telling me about it.

  14. That looks fun!! Love the photos!!

  15. This looks such a lot of fun, and I remember my DD telling me about it... What a great idea to make an old phone box a community bookshelf!

  16. What a wonderful idea - I'm definitely going to explore this further!! Just fab!
    Hettie's shoes are made by Alegria - she got hers off ebay. Apparently you have to order a size smaller, so if there are any stockists near you, I'd go and try the sizes first!!

    Hugs, LLJ xxxx

    1. Thanks Jan! I just loved those shoes and need to source some for me!!

  17. Rather belatedly catching up this month...I keep promising myself to enter the world of DOES sound like fun!
    Alison xx

    1. Hi Alison, Let me know if you do join because I can add you as a friend. It is great fun - I recommend it!
