Friday 22 June 2012


Work has reached a peak of craziness again.  Long hours, much longer than they should be, and still no time to do what I need.  Yesterday I even thought of phoning in sick... something I never do unless I am incapable of leaving the house.  I knew my body was telling me to slow down.... to rest.  But my day was scheduled with important meetings and commitments.  I knew I would feel a sense of achievement if only I could get through it.  And somehow I dragged myself through the day.  And I did feel a sense of achievement, and I discovered what helps me when times get difficult.

You see I work with people who struggle to be in touch with their bodies and their needs.  During the day I ran a group about how we look after ourselves (can you see the irony here?!) and it gave me a sense of sadness that some people are unable to take time or to see the things around them.  For even when life is madness, I still manage to be in the moment....
.... to stop on the way to the bus stop to smell the honeysuckle that fell over the fence, spilling its scent onto the pavement.  My companions had walked ahead at a pace and when I asked if they had noticed the scent they looked surprised at the question.  They said they had been preoccupied by thoughts and had not even seen the honeysuckle.
.... or to notice a water spout and plaque as we walked along a road.  I stopped, took out my camera and took a photo.  And again, I had been the only one to see this oddity among the rows of shops.  

This building housed Beckenham’s first volunteer Fire Brigade, using a cart pulled by horses borrowed from nearby residents and traders whenever a fire broke out.  The lions head spout was used to refresh the horses with water piped from the Thames by the then Lambeth Water Company.

This morning I received a message from Jessica Broden.  I have already signed up for her Artist's Way Bookclub, but today's post resonated with me.  I have always wanted to be part of a bookclub, where I can meet other like minded people and share our experience.  I've always wanted to read... really read... the Artists Way.  Crazy working hours and pattern stopped me joining local groups, and not creating time for myself stopped the second. Now I am putting that to rights.
I am feeling tense and frazzled this morning, my body locked in by pressures and time schedules.  Tell tale signs shout slow down... look after yourself... to make time for just BEING.   Another reminder to myself about what is important in life.  So I am sorting out a journal today, picking up what I once started (albiet not daily writing but writing in a journal nonetheless). But more importantly, creating time for ME! .

That moment starts now.  I have booked 2 days off work ... so I am breathing more deeply and slowing down so that my mind and body can reconnect.  Loving the idea of this bookclub...  life sometimes gives you exactly what you need if you take time to see it.


  1. Beautiful post Sandie.

  2. I sometimes think its only me who sees or notices those little things. :-)

  3. Sound advice ... hope you can catch up with yourself on your days off

  4. So honest of you Sandie. Sorry it took me a few days to get back over to your blog! Thank you for coming to mine :)

    There is a woman on FB who is in our AW bookclub group as well, Renee Burke, who is really focusing on what caring for ourselves looks like and feels like this summer. I think she posted something in the group.

    I know firsthand the irony of not exactly being able to practice what you preach! But you're doing a good job. Love that fountain. It makes me miss Europe.

    I'm so glad my bookclub and you found one another at this time of need in your life...makes my Sunday to read this this morning.
    Jessica Brogan

  5. Glad you are having some much needed time off....enjoy!
    Alison xx

  6. I am in the facebook group with you. :) I am looking forward to hopefully finally fishing the book, I have not been able to get past chapter five so far.

    That fountain is stunning. :)

    And I needed that reminder to breathe today. Thank you.
