Friday 29 June 2012


Yes....  it is time to load up the Random Number Generator and to select one of the comments left on my BLOGIVERSARY post.

Drum roll please ........
Ta da!!

No 3 means BEVERLY will receive the giveaway!

And the second giveaway goes to Karen, for being the first person to name PROGRESS as my word of the year. 

Please send me your addresses, Beverly & Karen so that I can post to you.  You'll find my email if you look in my complete profile.

I'm hoping for fine weather this weekend as I am leaving today to spend some special time with friends on a creative retreat.  We'll be MESSING ABOUT ON THE RIVER, and I'm half packed and full of excitement.  Just how much can we cram in the car I wonder?!

Tell you more next time!  Have a good weekend, what ever you are planning...

1 comment:

  1. whhooohhoooo! Thanks, Sandi! It's going to be 105 degrees here this weekend, gradually moving downward to 96 NEXT Thursday. In the American South with our humidity that translates to a heat index (translated..what it feels like) of 115 0.o We'll be hanging in the air conditioning this weekend but Tuesday through Sunday I will also be "messing around the river"!
