Monday 7 May 2012

Island of Sark

Have you ever heard about a place and immediately been drawn to it... posted it at the back of your mind, thinking you will visit one day, given half the chance?  Well, for me that was the island of Sark.  Years ago I saw it on a TV programme and last week I finally got there.  Oh, the excitement!  And it was made more because my visit was unplanned and a birthday treat from a special friend. 

We reached the island by ferry from Guernsey and was greeted by the tractor which offers rides up the steep hill into the ‘village’. 

I say village with a smile because the island has two banks and a small row of shops.  There are no cars or street lights, something which has earned the island the first ‘Dark Sky’ in the world.  Just 2.10 square miles in size it has a population of 600 but enough of the detail...... I was keen to explore and especially to see La Coupee, a narrow path that links Great and Little Sark.  

Jill & I decided to take a horse drawn carriage so that we could see as much of the island as possible during our day visit.  And so we climbed on board and set off down the narrow lanes.  

We learnt that the doctor uses a tractor to get around the island and that the ambulance is a make shift caravan towed behind. We were told it is not a comfortable ride!

Tractors are also used by the local post office and we saw lots of parcels from Amazon in its trailer, at least Sark is keeping up with technology!  And after a while George (our horse) had a rest while others in our carriage went for a coffee.  Me?  I followed the path to the cliff top for some stunning views and photos.

And then on again to La Coupee, the highlight of my visit .  Until around 1900 children crossing to go to school would have to crawl on their hands and knees so that they weren't blown over the edge.  
Luckily there is a handrail now, and the views are spectaular.  I was far from disappointed!

After our carriage ride we explored on foot and we found a local cottage that served cream teas in the garden.  My idea of heaven and just look at my heart shaped scone!


The island is as wonderful as I had always imaged and I hope to return one day and stay longer. But for now I have many photos and happy memories. What more can I ask for?

This post is part of Story Sunday.  Pop over to Sian's for more.


  1. What a lovely friend - but we know that anyway! Lovely photos and did I spy mouse shaped butter to go with your heart shaped scone?

    1. Karen, that is a mouse, beautifully moulded out of Sark butter and complete with a tail! It seemed a shame to cut into it, but the scone was saying 'Eat Me!'

  2. Wow, what a great place and you have taken some superb shots of it :) That walkway is superb.

  3. Amazing way of presenting the butter too but not sure if I like or dislike. Great photos :0)

  4. is the mouse butter?? Sark looks like a really interesting place, no way would I have been able to crawl along that path back in the day far too scary!

  5. I do love the thought of Amazon parcels being delivered by tractor - kind of the best of both worlds, that is! It's lovely to see you joining in with your beautiful travel story today Sandie. Thank you.

  6. I don't think I would be able to go across there even WITH the handrails!! Sounds like you had a lovely day
    Alison xx

  7. It looks like a little piece of paradise, you have taken some beautiful photos of your visit.

  8. What a wonderful birthday treat! It brings back childhood memories seeing your pics. Must go back one day. M x

  9. Such a beautiful view of the sea in one of your photos. It sounds like a real adventure! And I couldn't stop giggling when I saw the mouse shaped butter LOL

  10. How lovely that you finally got to Sark and then shared it here. And it was your birthday... belated wishes to you. I love the blue of the sky and sea in your photographs.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog. Yes, the course is very intense and needs a lot of time to digest. If you were doing other e-courses alongside, you would be permanently attached to the computer! I love it all though and look forward to sharing some more of my designs in the future.

  11. The beginning of May is a good time for a birthday - or the end of April too I suppose ;)

    Gorgeous looking island and the dark sky sounds blissful! I like the scones - have just posted some on my blog. No mouse shaped butter tho'. :lol:

  12. I have many happy memories of a stay on Sark a few years ago with DH - and it was indeed wonderful. We especially loved the silence and the brilliant skies at night with no light pollution. Your photos are bringing it all back. Do you know the book by Mervyn Peake called 'Mr Pye' and set on Sark? Written in the early 1950s ...

  13. I wonder if Mr Pye was made into a TV series? If so, this may have sparked my interest in visiting Sark. I saw a programme many years ago and fell in love with the island. I shall certainly be looking out for the book! Thank you for bringing my attention to it, Alexa.

  14. Such beautiful photos! :) Such a wonderful record of what looks like a wonderful day!
