Wednesday 29 February 2012

Monthly Make - February

Gosh, where has the time gone?  But I have not been idling!  As well as being busy with life I have also been busy with crafting.  I had been to four crops so far this year and have just returned from a residential weekend at Belstead.  There have also been craft shows and sales where I added more to my mountain of stash, and I'm pleased to say that since doing Shimelle's class 'Pretty Papers' I have got over my 'buy one to keep/stroke' approach.  And I am still using up my stash.  Moira, who runs our Belstead weekend, had some lovely ideas of using scraps which I will share another time.  And that's where I also made my monthly make, an explosion box.  You need four sheets of 12x12 card, three pieces for the box and one for the lid.  As a surprise we machine sewed a string of circles cut from the off cut card, and attached these to the inside of the lid.  I added photos and will put more on each of the flaps.  I would have chosen different card for this project but used what I had available.

My box is not completely finished but this is the last day of Feb, so here it is - ready or not!

If you need instructions I found a video on Youtube.  It is much easier than me trying to explain!  A second second video shows another way of decorating the inside of the box. 

Now I'm off to see what others have made this month here.  And if you want to find out more about Monthly Makes pop over to Annie

Thanks for visiting and I'd be interested to hear about your own takes on the explosion box.  Bye for now!


  1. Wow! That is gorgeous! What a wonderful gift idea too! My niece is having a baby and that would be a great idea for her xx

  2. Lovely box Sandie. I made one, without photos, as a gift in my early scrapping days. I thought the lid was too loose so made another one that fitted quite snugly. It was only when I has sent it off that I realised that the reason the lid was loose was to leave room for the photos!

    1. That's how we learn best, Karen!
      I made a needlework box years ago with fabric covered card and I have always meant to make another out of 12x12. I did this one as a prototype so that I know next time how to adapt or improve it. One friend threaded ribbon around the top of the box so she can just pull a bead to draw the sides together. The great thing about a residential weekend or a crop is that you can bounce ideas off each other. Trouble is, I have the ideas but not the time to do them so I suspect this box will remain as the prototype!

  3. Wow, that's beautiful! I'm now trying to resist running straight to Youtube lol

  4. You have been so busy Sandi!
    Love your exploding box, it reminds me of a mobile X

  5. Very the circles!
    Alison xx

  6. Hiya, thought you'd been a bit it only me that hasn't done any crafting for the last few weeks ? :( Not at crop this month, catch up soon. x

  7. This is so very pretty! Lots of very careful work ...
