Wednesday 21 December 2011

Gathering myself together

At the moment I'm finding it hard to focus on Christmas or to get into the spirit.  I won't bore you with details except to say life has been full on and there has been no time for shopping or preparations.  My decorations are still in the loft and hopefully they might see light of day, but I am making no guarentees.  But at least my Christmas cards were finally posted, yesterday.  Which led to the woman at the post office commenting that my card to Australia was a bit early to post for Easter.  If only I could be so organised! 

With a big sigh of relief I finished work today and I am now home for the holiday.  So at least I can try and do some catch up.  I have only bought 3 presents so far and have not even thought of wrapping them.  But I refuse to get stressed over it.  What will be, will be.

For some light relief I visited a couple of blogs this evening and came across two that caught my attention.  First is a new online Scrapbooking class run by Miss Smith at Curiouser and Curiouser.  Just one Sketch costs £5 for 6 weeks, and all proceeds go to GirlGuiding. As a former Brown Owl and Rainbow Leader I am happy to support this cause and anyway, I always find it hard to resist another class.  Even if it is anything like my recent track record, where subscribing is as far as I will get.  Did I mention that so far my JYC pages are blank, blank, blank?

2011 has been a challenging year in many ways and while I am a cup half full person, I am left feeling physically and mentally exhausted.  So, while I don't wish time away I won't be sorry to see this year out.  And that's why I printed Susannah Conway's free workbook 'Unravelling the Year Ahead'.   It invites you to look back on the year and foreward to the next, and it might be what I need right now to help me refocus and to gather myself in. 


  1. Sandie, just stopping by to wish you a beautiful Holiday.

  2. Just wanted to thank you for the link to the workbook as this is just what I need at the mo - if I actually sit down and fill it in! Happy Christmas :)

  3. Hope you enjoy Christmas Sandi, it sounds like you could do with the break. Hope 2012 is a better year for you. Merry Christmas & see you soon x

  4. What a lovely surprise! This morning I received an email from Melanie (see my previous post - Melanie & Mayhem):
    'I am excited that a Christmas card from you to me will arrive before Easter. I am guessing that the comment by the post office person was in regards to a card to me. I also thought that unravelling workbook sounded worth looking into so have downloaded it but not looked at it. That sketch course with money going to Girl Guides sounded good as well. Can you explain what a Google account is as the blurb said you needed a Google account and an e-mail address. Well e-mail address I understand but I am in the dark as far as a Google account is concerned'.
    Ok, I replied to Melanie's email and explained what a Google account is, so come on Melanie! Join up so you can join in and you never know, you might even set up your own blog one day!! I really hope so :)

  5. Great to see you here again Sandie! I guess life has been/is tough at the moment but I hope the magic of the season wraps you up in fuzzy warmth and happiness, and with your whole family around you will make you feel happy. Very much love and best wishes for a happy, successful year in 2012

  6. I'm sending you a cyber hug and warmest wishes for Christmas and 2012. I'll see you in Miss Smith's class come the New Year.

  7. Sandie, I'm hoping very much that Christmas offers you a bit of a respite and a chance for a breather. And of course that 2012 is a much easier year x

  8. Hoping that you can put your feet up this Xmas - I too will see you in Miss Smith's class ... I have 5 fays of JYC on paper ... the rest in n ote form - but I *may* make some progress over the holidays ... but then again, maybe not! Thanks for the workbook link - off to take a look.

  9. It's been a 'full on' year for several of us this year and I hope that you manage to relax, take a breather and enjoy the next few days! Hopefully the new year will be easier on us all! I, too will see you in Miss Smith's class!

  10. Hi Sandie, hopefully you're feeling a bit less stressed now and have had time to wrap your presents!:) (I say this and still have my own to wrap..but plenty of time I reckon!) Sounds like things have been a bit turbulent for you and I truly hope the holidays give you a bit of time to unwind and find your centre again. Sending huge festive hugs your way xx

  11. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. It sounds like you have similar stresses, and I hope your holiday is more peaceful than you anticipate. My JYC album has very few pages as yet, but I'm still hoping to get back to it.

  12. Merry Christmas Sandie!

    I hope you have a chance to rest over the break and that 2012 brings peace and calm to you!

  13. Thank you for your comment - I am sure everything will turn out just fine this weekend - it always seems to anyway no matter how much worrying and stress it causes :0)
    Have a brilliant time and hugs from over here too x
