Wednesday 5 October 2011

WOYWW - Time to unwind... finally!

My workspace has been neglected, birthdays overlooked and cards sent late.  I hang my head in shame....

I'm trying I can get back on top of things and catch up with some creative work.  I have my monthly crop to look forward to and a three day residential booked at the end of the month.  The prospect of a week off work soon adds to my excitement because I so need time to unwind and catch up with friends!  Meanwhile I have made a birthday card (this one was delivered on time!) and pages for the Log Book that I have mentioned in previous posts.
So that's what's on my workspace this Wednesday, a long with two postcards sent by friends.  I LOVE receiving that kind of post, don't you?

Here's a few photos of our first trip in the campervan.  We didn't have time to go far, but we found a lovely farm, cracked open a bottle of champagne and were lulled to sleep by the hoot of an owl.  Next morning I had breakfast in bed and a walk along the estuary before driving home.  Much of the area around here is salt marsh and I love the way the sea makes inlets and sculptures the land.  It is a landscape rich in birdlife especially overwintering geese, with an assortment of boats that add colour and character.  I never tire of it. And finally I can  start filling out the pages in our Log Book.  Yay!!  Life is returning to 'normal' whatever that is.
And if you are interested, this post shows the campervan in it's making ......

Have you been having this wonderful weather?  If so  I hope you managed to enjoy it while it lasted.  It is forecast to be on the turn now but what an unexpected treat - 28 degrees in October! Just perfect for our first weekend away.

And to see what other people have on their workspace this Wednesday, go over to Julia's page here, and have a good week what ever you have planned.


  1. Just like gypsies!!
    Your cards look terrific too!!
    Keep smiling and creating

  2. How glorious - I am envious! Glad it's bringing you just what you wanted and love the photos of the salt marshes. Very appropriate postcards!

  3. What a fab first outing! I love the way you've made a blog collage of the photos, it works really well. Nice shot of the two glasses of fizz :D
    Hugs, LLJ xx
    PS Where is Revelstoke?

  4. How lovely to have your 1st trip away in the van on that glorious sunny weekend! The pics are fab, love the one of the red boat against the blue sky! x

  5. Jan - Revelstoke is in Canada.

    Sarah - the red boat is a redundant Lighthouse Boat. I've had several long weekends onboard. It is quite an amazing experience and the view from the lantern over the salt marsh is pure magic.

  6. Looks like you had a great trip. I know the feeling of late cards, makes you feel awful too. hope you have a great week ahead.
    Rum x

  7. A fellow gypsy and sea maiden. Thank you for sharing with us. I know you will so enjoy your time off and a new adventure.


  8. Great idea to log your the neat and tidy pages. I like to get postcards too, love to think of people doing the un-ordinary while I'm in routine!

  9. Glad you had such glorious weather for your first all looks very restful!
    Alison xx

  10. How very lovely :) And yes, we enjoyed the sunshine - while it lasted.... We had SNOW yesterday!! Only a few flakes, but still!!
