Monday 2 May 2011

A DAY IN PHOTOS - what happened next....

In my last post I showed photos of our visit to the Eden Project.  This is our fourth visit and there is always something new to see. On this occasion, the ariel Walkway.  Right up into the dome, 50m high and 167 steps. 

We were eager to go up!

So imagine our disappointment when the walkway was closed due to high temperature.
40 degrees plus, even with the top vents of the dome wide open. 
That is about the same temperature as when we visited Death Valley.     Hot!!

I made enquiries and was told it might reopen later in the day.  So after we had explored every path and absorbed as much as we could take in, we left the tropics and went to see the second dome which is  Mediterranean.


                      back to the main dome. 

                                                                  And guess what?! 

                                                                                                     The Walkway had re-opened! 

Our friends lack a head for heights so opted to go for tea and cake while we set off full of excitement and anticipation.

And we were not disappointed.

I had planned to post this last week, but on Friday I had a surprise that changed everything.  And I'll tell you more next time!


  1. How exciting to have done the walk but the HEAT! rather you than me. I think I'd have joined your friends for tea and cake!
    Can't wait to hear your excitement......

  2. Oh nice you got to get up there! Does look very much worth it.

  3. Fantastic photos - I love the Eden Project too :)

  4. Popped over from BBFS, it looks like you've had a fab day, it looks like a great place to visit!

  5. WOW fabulous photos - but not sure I would have done it myself. Looking forward to your post too. :) J x

  6. I would definitely not have gone up on the walkway! Looking forward to hearing about your surprise xxx

  7. Great pics Sandie. All those steps though..... tea and cake sound good to me

  8. Beautiful photos - I love the deep colours on the fruit and flowers
