Wednesday 23 March 2011

Blogging... so far

I should be doing this and that... but I am trying to distract myself from difficult decision making, and where better to do it than on line!! 

Have you heard about Shimelle Lane's Blogging for Scrapbookers class?  I subscribed after I had set up my blog and have been waiting for it to go 'live' again so that I can be part of  an online community.  Lots of the members met on an earlier course and set up their blogs around the same time.  How lovely to be part of something so special!  Some even got together on Skype last weekend!  Luckily I have got to know some of these people a long the way and  blogging has opened up a whole new world of networking and friendships.
I wonder where it will go from here?

I had no plans to be creative today, but I was inspired by 'scrappysue' a member who posted her scrapbook page on the forum.  I just had to lift her idea and do it!  It's my first page where I have not used a photo, and because I could do it quite quickly and without getting out loads of stash I could not resist the urge. I'm not satisfied that it is finished and when I have more time I will revisit and make it more my style, but for now it does what I want.  It was good looking back over the history of my blog, something I've not done before.  It made me realise that I don't blog as frequently as I'd like, and when I do I tend to do a big post as I have so much to say!  Something to work on!

I'm looking forward to learning lots of new ideas and techniques.   I still consider myself new to blogging (since June 2010) and with much to learn, and hopefully this class will give me a lead. 

So, what else is on my Workspace this Wednesday?  This useful pin cushion with an attached pocket that I have made for a friend.  I saw the idea at the recent residenttial, and thought it an idea gift.   A friend asked me to make one for her too, so with no pattern but just an idea I got out my fabrics and sewing machine.  I may make one for myself when I have more time.   I love to see other people's workspace and what they are busy doing. Go to Julia's blog to see more.

The sun is shining and I should be doing 101 other things so that's it for today.  Enjoy the weather, creating, or what ever it is you are doing.  My plan is to write shorter and more regular posts.  There - I've said it!!


  1. It's lovely here too - the sun is shining and the car dash tells me it's 14 degrees. Almost feels like summer.

    I really like the idea of a post recording details of your blog. I made one when I started about my first blog design - but I've had two more different looks since then. Interesting!

  2. Your pin cushion is wonderful! How does it stay put in the edge of the table? Doesn't it tend to slide off because of the pocket? Thanks for the peek into your crafting, and have a happy WOYWW!

  3. Danielle - the pin cushion is quite heavy as it is filled with pearl barley. The weight should
    hold quite well as I imagine my friend will only keep a tape, scissors, or spare cotton in it. Things she wants to hand.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  4. We have lovely sunshine! I'm supposed to be writing a course for the weekend (!!) but I'm doing "displacement activities" try and take my mind off a niece who's been in labour for 40 hours, with no baby yet!!

    Great scrap page - It's plain but interesting; sometimes it's good to do a page with no frills or fuss - just the information you want to convey. This one works very well (and I also liked Sue's original version - no link to ScrappySue btw?)
    Your blog stats are interesting; I think it helps to post "little and often" (if you want to encourage people to read your blog anyway), as people come back regularly if you post regularly. It doesn't need to be daily - once or twice a week maybe?

    That's a sweet little pincushion and pocket set. I love the floral fabric. Your friend will be very pleased with that - a lovely gift!

  5. Happy Thursday. I'm just doing a very quick blog dash to make sure all our WOYWW friends get the heads up on the BIG celebration draw over in our blog shop. Please excuse this copied and pasted message but it's the only way I can get round you all this week. If you check out my blog you will see what's keeping me busy :-)

    Shop draw

    Good luck,
    A x

  6. I'll switch my snow for your sun, deal? That is the sweetest pin cushion and little pocket, how clever!

  7. Very nice pin cushion and layout. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #162
