Wednesday 5 January 2011

Good Intentions

This morning I came across 'A little garland for my word 2011' which I thought was a lovely idea.
And so my worktop this Wednesday has been covered with my Big Shot, papers, and garland making. My word for 2011 is INTUITION. And here is the garland I made.

It sits behind my computer and will act as a reminder to slow down and think about less being more. And as today was a non-work day I could do this. Which was good, as my energy is low.

Another word I liked today was INTENTION. Louise spoke about this in Big Dreams, Small Wonders.

I have several intentions this year. One is to improve my fitness, and so on this lovely sunny crisp day, I set off for a walk along the river.


With my camera

and my shadow.

It was wonderful! And I was amazed at the length of my shadow.

Another intention is to use Photoshop Elements more, and to become more confident using this software. And so I took a couple of photos with this in mind. One photo of a hedgerow will be converted to black & white and I plan to pick out the red berries in colour. When I have time to learn how! Luckily I have some good books and hopefully there will be instructions.....

I finally managed to download the last of my PROJECT 365 photos into the album before the year was out. It is here if you would like to view. It was very satisfying and I am reflective about what I might do differently this year. One thing will be to have more focus and to challenge myself so that I am outside my comfort zone. That's when I can learn most. And so I might include some photos with effects. Using Photoshop Elements. A final intention is to make a short video of some of my favourite Project 365 photos taken during 2010.

What are your intentions for this year?

Did you choose a word for 2011? There is more about the word I chose here .

Please leave a link for your own photography projects.

And have fun what ever you do!!


  1. I hope you fulfill all your intentions -Have a great week!

  2. I also like intention, but my word is acceptance. I intend it to lead to great things!

  3. I thought about a word, but I didn't follow through with it. Intention is a good word.

  4. My word is "Reach" and I'll be blogging about it soon.

    I LOVE the idea of the garland - tho I couldn't get the link to work for the blog - and might try and knock one out myself. Thanks :)

  5. Thank you for letting me know that the link didn't work for the garland, Sian. I've redone it and it works now.
    Love the word Reach and look forward to reading about it on your blog.
    My Big Shot is used nearly every time I paper craft. It was great for making my garland. I can see garlands appearing for all kind of celebrations and special days in future! Have fun if you make one yourself. :)

  6. Hello! thanks for coming over to my blog for the Postcard a Week intro. I was just so inspired by that book (Good Mail Day). I will be sending all the postcards to my mum, although I couldn't say so on my blog as it'd spoil the surprise. She'll work it out tomorrow though, when she should receive the first one. Same as you, I just don't have time for full-on letter writing, so postcards are a great idea. Good luck with your 2011. I love your photos by the way - the catching snowflakes one is beautiful. x

  7. Love your word, mine is simply 'better', I want to be better at everything. A better mom, better teacher, better blogger and better at not knocking myself down everytime.
    Love the garland idea and I am thinking I might adopt that idea.
    Taking better photo's is another thing I'd love to do this year, so here's hoping for a 'better' year.
    Tertia 122

  8. I adore the simplicity of your garland and the shadow picture is incredible....never seen such a long shadow.
    I have made a whole list of goals for this year. I have listed them on a post somewhere on a January posting. Your idea of having a word or two is a much better idea. I think for me 'KEEP GOING', those two words would help when I feel a lack of inspiration. I enjoyed reading your post, thanks!!
    Sue xx 50

  9. Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. I hope you do get to find a bird punch. Wendy at The Stamp Attic in Wantage will probably have one...she ordered one for me and got a few spares.
    Looking forward to seing your creations!
    Sue xx

  10. Great intentions. Thanks for the peek and sharing. Hugs, Marjo #23

  11. Hi Sandie!
    Yay for "intentions"!
    I hope you don't mind but I've awarded you a "stylish Blog Award". There is more info on my blog if you want to play along!x

  12. Thank you Jenny - I am so taken back by your wonderful gesture!!
    A stylish blog award - Wow!

  13. I chose a word this year, but I've forgotten it already (grin). No, it's believe. Not very original, but filled with hope and promise. Sorry I'm so late getting here this week. I have good intentions, too, but when Wednesday ends, it's hard to keep up till the weekend. Happy belated WOYWW from number 16.

  14. an even later visit! the word i chose for this year is "blessing", having been blessed so much, i want to be more of a blessing to others this year! i love the idea of making a garland!
