Sunday 30 January 2011

Project 365 & a FREE online photography course

Are you doing Project 365 or any variation?

I felt a sense of achievement that I finished the project last year.  Albiet I missed acouple of days, usually when I am working and so preoccupied, that the time slips away. This year has got off to a difficult start and my energy and creativity is low.  But I have finally got round to uploading some Project 365 photos on to Flickr so I thought I'd share some on my blog.

One thing I have noticed in my recent photos is frequency of food.  Chocolate has been ever present at work, bought in by colleagues in an effort to raise spirits. Unfortuantly the main thing being raised is my weight, as evidenced by the scales and my clothes.  This week I plan to leave the chocolates for everyone else!  And as I write the taste of two chocolate covered turkish delight linger....  I remember too late.  This is going to be more difficult than I thought!
Another thing that focus in my photos frequently are flowers.  I have a lovely man who treats me regularly.  When I come home late from work the surprise of big vases of flowers never fail to cheer me and make me glad to be home. 

Here's the chocolate again!!  I know Maltesers and wine hardly go.  But on this occasion they were what I needed to unwind.  
If you'd like to see more of my Project 365 photos they are here.

And finally ~  as a nan to 3 gorgous granddaughters I was excited to hear about this FREE 28 day online photography course running through Feburary. You can find our more about 'The Joy of LOVE' here.   There will be a Flickr gallery to share photos and daily downloads, so hopefully a chance to interact with others taking part. You need to register quickly as it starts on the 1st.

Have fun with what ever photography projects you are doing this year. 


  1. Stunning shot of the flower and the reflection of the veg.

  2. Oh my word you have some stunning photographs there Sandie. I saw this course being mentioned on Facebook and have signed up. Any tips are welcome at the moment as my photographs are very samey.

    See you next week - can't wait xxx

  3. Thank you for your lovely comments. Flowers appear often in my photos. I love the colours and different shapes. I never know what to do with the photos though, so putting them on my blog and Flickr is a nice way of sharing them.

  4. Hello there Sandie...sorry not to have visited for a while. Big hugs for sounds stressful for you at the moment. It is so lovely to have your photography to get absorbed in . your pics are wonderful and that spa in your last blog looks super.I could do with a day there! Keep busy...and have fun, Moira x
